PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Supporting Ramadan Islamic Boarding School Activities, PT Timah Donates to Menara Bestari Reading Garden in East Belitung

EAST BELITUNG - In the momentum of Ramadan 1446 Hijriah, PT Timah participated in supporting religious activities carried out by the community such as Islamic boarding school (pesantren kilat).

Like this time, PT Timah supported the activities of the flash Islamic boarding school carried out by the Menara Bestari Reading Garden Management from Masjid As Salam, Baru Village, Manggar District, East Belitung Regency.

Assistance from PT Timah to support the activities of the boarding school was handed over directly by PT Timah's Director of Business Development Dicky Octa Zahriadi during the Safari Ramadan activities at PT Timah's Belitung Operations Area Office in Lenggang Village, Gantung District, East Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Wednesday (5/03/2025).

Menara Bestari Reading Garden organizer Anasinton Saputra was grateful that their first activity could be supported by PT Timah.

“We are very grateful for the assistance from PT Timah, hopefully this assistance can be useful to improve the aqidah morals of the flash pesantren participants,” he said.

Anasinton said that the Islamic boarding school is expected to become an annual routine agenda as an effort to provide basic religious understanding for children and improve their way of worship.

According to him, the Islamic boarding school will be held on March 18-19, 2025 at the As Salam Mosque with a total of 200 participants consisting of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), Elementary School and Junior High School (SMP) levels.

“The purpose of this Islamic boarding school is to educate the children to become good human beings, and teach them several lessons including improving the correct way to perform ablutions and prayers,” said Anas. (*)