PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Supporting Improving the Quality of Early Childhood Education, PT Timah Tbk Provides Assistance for Kindergarten and PAUD Cendrawasih Tempilang

WEST BANGKA -- To support early childhood education in West Bangka, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance to Cendrawasih Kindergarten & Early Childhood Education Programs in Tempilang District, West Bangka Regency.

The assistance from PT Timah Tbk was handed over directly by the Mining Supervisor for the Tempilang Riki area to the Head of the Cendrawasih Kindergarten & Early Childhood Education Programs Tempilang Meri School, Tuesday (15/8/2023)

Cendrawasih Early Childhood Education Programs has been established since 2007 and has 65 students and 8 teaching staff. Cendrawasih Early Childhood Education Programs have made achievements at the national level.

The Principal of Cendrawasih Kindergarten & Early Childhood Education Programs Merri said that being an educator at the school she leads is not easy. However, the school is trying to keep students in school.

"Because the students here have lower-middle income parents, in order to keep students in school, we don't expect much from school fees. The school is looking for other alternatives for school operations," she said.

One of them that has provided support to them, namely PT Timah Tbk, has received assistance from PT Timah Tbk twice.

"We are trying to find help from other parties, one of which is from PT Timah through its CSR. Alhamdulillah, this is the second time we have been assisted," she explained.

In addition, PT Timah Tbk also handed over assistance to the PKK Tempilang Mobilization Team to support social activities.

The head of the PKK Tempilang Mobilization Team Fega Agustina said PT Timah Tbk's assistance would be used to support social activities in the community.

"This assistance is utilized by PKK social activities in the community such as stunting alleviation, and community outreach," he said.

Meanwhile, the Sub-district Head of Tempilang, Russian, appreciated PT's assistance to Tempilang residents.

"PT Timah's contribution to the people of Tempilang is felt by the community, be it education, health, socio-religious, and others," he said. (*)