PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Supporting Dozens of Places of Worship, PT Timah's Commitment to Fostering Harmonious Interfaith Relations

PANGKALPINANG — As a company that grows within the community, PT Timah Tbk continues to demonstrate its commitment to implementing its Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program, which has a tangible impact on society. One of PT Timah's consistently carried out social programs is providing support for places of worship.

PT Timah recognizes that places of worship are not only venues for religious practices but also serve as hubs for social and religious activities within the community.

Therefore, PT Timah consistently provides assistance to places of worship and improves religious facilities and infrastructure in its operational areas as an effort to maintain harmonious relations with people of different faiths.

From January to December 2024, PT Timah Tbk has distributed infrastructure assistance to 36 places of worship across its operational regions.

PT Timah's commitment to supporting places of worship has been appreciated by Bambang Patijaya, Chairman of Commission XII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI). Bambang hopes that PT Timah will continue this program to support the community.

"I heard that PT Timah is assisting places of worship, and we truly appreciate this. This assistance is provided to all stakeholders, regardless of ethnicity or religion—mosques, churches, temples, and viharas all receive support. I hope PT Timah can maintain its CSR performance so that more people can benefit from its presence," he stated.

Meanwhile, Dr. H.M. Subuh Wibisono, MBA, Chairman of the Interfaith Harmony Forum (FKUB) of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, also expressed his appreciation for PT Timah Tbk's efforts in supporting places of worship across various religions.

"As the Chairman of the Interfaith Harmony Forum of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, I sincerely thank PT Timah Tbk for its TJSL program, which has helped places of worship from six religions in the province. I hope this TJSL assistance program will continue every year in a fair and sustainable manner so that all communities can worship in a proper, peaceful, and solemn manner with adequate, clean, and comfortable worship facilities. Bravo PT Timah! May you always be successful and prosperous," he said. (*)