PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Supporting Community Sports Activities, PT Timah Supports the Rias Cup Football Tournament

BANGKA SELATAN – In support of community sports, particularly football, PT Timah is sponsoring the Rias Cup Football Tournament, which will run for a full month.

The Rias Cup Football Tournament features 64 teams from various villages in Bangka Selatan. The tournament aims to hone young people's athletic skills through competition.

Muslim, the Head of Rias Village in Toboali District, Bangka Selatan, mentioned that this is the first time the competition is being held, as previously it was only conducted at the district level in Toboali.

“The Rias Cup was organized to provide an opportunity for the youth of Bangka Selatan, especially in football, to both build connections and compete,” he explained.

He noted that community interest in the tournament has been strong, from the teams and the local audience eager to watch the matches.

Given that events like this are rare in Bangka Selatan, he hopes the tournament can become an annual event and eventually expand to a larger scale, possibly including all of Bangka Belitung Province.

He further expressed hope that PT Timah would continue supporting youth activities in the village.

“We hope that in the future PT Timah will be the main sponsor of this event. Additionally, we aim to launch a province-wide volleyball tournament and would love for PT Timah to be the primary sponsor as well,” he said.

Baharudin, the Chairman of the Rias Cup Football Tournament Committee, added that this is the first event they've organized at the Bangka Selatan district level.

“64 teams are participating this time, representing about 70 to 80 percent of the football teams in Bangka Selatan,” Baharudin noted.

He also stated that without the involvement of PT Timah, organizing the tournament would have been difficult.

“Honestly, without the support from PT Timah, we as the committee would have struggled. Thank you, PT Timah, for helping us organize this event,” he expressed.

He hopes to continue collaboration with PT Timah in youth and sports activities. (*)