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Supported by PT Timah, Sinar Baru Farmers Group in South Bangka Relies on Chili Cultivation for Farmers' Welfare

SOUTH BANGKA – The Sinar Baru Farmers Group Association (Gapoktan) in Paku Village, Payung District, South Bangka Regency, continues to grow as a successful chili farming group with support from PT Timah Tbk.

Initially, Gapoktan Sinar Baru was formed as farmers began shifting to chili cultivation due to declining income from other sectors, such as pepper and rubber. With a relatively short harvest period of around 100 days, chili farming is considered more profitable and offers a faster economic turnover.

Since its establishment in 2015, Gapoktan Sinar Baru has expanded to include 14 farmer groups with a total of 350 members. Since 2023, farmers have focused on chili cultivation, supported by funding and training provided by PT Timah over the past two years. This assistance has helped farmers improve their agricultural productivity.

The chairman of Gapoktan Sinar Baru, Amir, stated that the biggest challenges in chili farming are pests and unpredictable weather. However, with the knowledge gained from PT Timah’s training, they have been able to address these issues.

“The biggest challenges we face in chili cultivation are pests, fungi, and unpredictable weather conditions that can cause chili plants to die or rot,” he said.

Despite these challenges, farmers continue to overcome obstacles by implementing better farming techniques and strengthening their crops' resilience.

Gapoktan Sinar Baru's dedication to chili farming has yielded positive results. They have successfully increased chili production and met market demand.

The harvested chilies from Gapoktan Sinar Baru are distributed to local vegetable collectors in Paku Village before being sold in major markets in the surrounding areas.

To date, the farmer group has successfully harvested chilies eight times. The current farm-gate price of chili is around IDR 70,000 per kilogram, while market prices can reach up to IDR 90,000 per kilogram.

With most members now self-sufficient in chili farming, Gapoktan Sinar Baru is optimistic that this agricultural sector will continue to grow. With ongoing support, farmers hope to increase production, expand markets, and create stronger economic resilience for the farming community in South Bangka.