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Support the Construction of Tahfiz Nurul Malik Islamic Boarding School, PT Timah Tbk Hands Overs Aid

*Create Quranic Generation

CENTRAL BANGKA – To support learning activities and improve facilities and infrastructure at Tahfiz Nurul Malik Islamic Boarding School, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance for the construction of a dormitory building and a place for learning.

Tahfiz Nurul Malik Islamic Boarding School, located in Air Mentangor, Pasir Garam Village, Central Bangka Regency, has been established since nine years ago. However, learning is still being carried out at the Musala Nurul Malik because it does not have its own building yet.

Currently, there are around 27 students who are studying at Pondok Tahfiz, where at this time the children who are studying are still staying at their respective homes. Only when learning comes to the prayer room. Where the curriculum applied is the tahfiz curriculum.

The chairman of the Nurul Malik Foundation, Ustaz Zulfikar, said that they started construction for this tahfiz learning place one year ago. They do that so as not to disturb the congregation who worship in the Musala.

“The students study in the morning and after sunset, then return to their respective homes because there is no place. Later, after the building is completed, the plan is that from afar it will be in the dormitory here," he said, Tuesday (1/3/2022).

According to him, Tahfiz Nurul Malik Islamiv Boarding School has been established since nine years ago, which began with learning the Qur'an for local children. However, within this year, Tahfiz began to learn.

He admitted, if the learning was still carried out in the Musala, it was considered less than optimal, because this prayer room was also used by residents for worship.

"A Learning activity is still in Nurul Malik's prayer room, because this is the Tahfiz Program, many children are afraid of disturbing the congregation who want to do worship. Finally, we built the vacant land to build a building next to the prayer room," he said.

He is grateful to receive assistance from PT Timah Tbk, so that his party can continue the construction of the Tahfiz Nurul Malik Islamic Boarding School building.\

"This assistance is to continue the construction of this two-story building. The development fund is a non-governmental organization and assistance from several parties. We are very grateful for the assistance from PT Timah Tbk," he said.

He said that with the existence of the Tahfiz Nurul Malik Islamic Boarding School, it is hoped that it can create a Qur'anic generation.

"Our goal is to establish Pondok Tahfiz, so that children are not blind to reading the Qur'an and prepare this Quranic generation," he said.*