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Sunarti Food Shop Gets More Spacious and Comfortable After Becoming a Foster Partner of PT Timah Tbk

TANJUNG BATU -- Sunarti's food stall business, a resident of Tanjung Batu, Kundur District, Karimun Regency continues to grow after becoming a partner with PT Timah Tbk.

Sunarti said that previously the food shop business that was run was not like it is now. The place of business is also simple and there is not even a place for customers to eat on the premises.

According to him, her previous place of business only used one table with a tin roof and thatch leaves. However, as the number of customers increases, he intends to expand his business.

However, She was constrained by capital, so his wish had not been realized. He even looked for information about capital loans several times but nothing suited her.

"Previous business premises weren't like this. There were only tables for placing food and merchandise. This was because there was no capital to repair them." Sunarti said.

With her enthusiasm and hard work to get information about capital loans, She is grateful to get information about PT Timah Tbk's Micro and Small Business Funding (PUMK) program so he plans to take advantage of this program.

"When I found out that there was a PT Timah Tbk PUMK program, I was immediately interested because I thought this was a program for MSMEs and had many conveniences. Thankfully my loan proposal was approved," She said.

After receiving capital injection from the PUMK program, PT Timah Sunarti is slowly repairing and building its business premises. It's not surprising that after it was repaired, customers became more comfortable and at home eating at her restaurant.

This also had an impact on increasing the turnover of Sunarti's restaurant, so that now he can have a decent business place and is growing.

"I really feel the benefits of the PT Timah Tbk PUMK program because there are a lot of conveniences provided. Apart from that, we can use the capital directly for business because the installments only start in the third month after disbursement," She said.

She hopes that this program can continue so that more MSMEs can take advantage of this program to help them develop their businesses.

"I plan to take advantage of the PT Timah Tbk PUMK program again to develop my business again. Apart from that, the people on Kundur Island hope to be able to take advantage of this program because it is quite pro-small business actors," She said. (*)