PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Suhaini's Grocery Shop is Growing After Receiving Capital Injection from PT Timah Tbk's PUMK Program

EAST BELITUNG -- PT Timah Tbk's Micro, Small Business (PUMK) Funding Program continues to help MSMEs in operational areas to develop and become independent.

Through the PUMK program, PT Timah Tbk supports capital for MSMEs in the company's operational areas. As felt by Suhaini, a resident of Pancur Hamlet, Padang Manggar Village, East Belitung.

Suhaini's grocery store business developed rapidly after becoming a partner with PT Timah Tbk. He started his business in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic was hitting various regions.

"Previously, I was hesitant, wanting to open a grocery store or raise catfish. Because we had a little land, we opened this shop," said Suhaini.

Suhaini initially ran a small grocery store business due to limited capital. To be able to meet customer needs, she intends to add various types of merchandise.

For this reason, she took advantage of the PT Timah Tbk PUMK program which was known to residents around their house. Luckily, she was able to get capital from PT Timah Tbk so she could continue to expand her business.

"Initially, we sold goods little by little until we got a PT Timah Tbk loan, and thank God we are up to now," said Suhaini.

Suhaini said that there are many advantages to PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program, such as the installment being paid only in the third month, so that the capital obtained can actually be used for business capital.

According to her, with the help of PUMK PT Timah Tbk, the grocery store's journey went very smoothly, and she felt helped by the capital assistance.

Apart from that, they can add refrigerators and products sold at the grocery store, such as basic necessities, and gas, kerosene, and other household necessities.

"It's developing smoothly and quite well because we managed to pay the installments," she said.

She hopes that PT Timah Tbk will continue to progress and be successful so that it can always help the community. (*)