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Students of SMPN 1 Pangkalan Baru Study Tin History at the Indonesian Tin Museum Pangkalpinang

PANGKALPINANG - The Indonesian Tin Museum (MTI) Pangkalpinang is one of the historical tourist destinations for the public, students, and tourists who come to Bumi Serumpun Sebalai.

At the Indonesian Tin Museum, we can get to know the history of tin from the time of the sultanate to the current civilization.

MTI is also a place to learn the history of tin directly, no wonder many students from kindergarten to university students come to this museum. As the group of SMP Negeri 1 Pangkalan Baru students did in their comparative study agenda, they visited the Indonesian Tin Museum, Tuesday (4/10/2022).

MTI Pangkalpinang is one of the must-visit destinations because students want to see, know and know the history of tin. Because it is part of the history subjects taught in schools.

"We have history lessons, in the independent curriculum we are not only required to study in class but we are also required to see the truth, that's why we invite our students to this museum," said the OSIS supervisor of SMPN 1 Pangkalan Baru, Muhammad Fadely.

He hopes that with activities like this, students will be more motivated, and get to know more about the history of tin. Moreover, the students are sons and daughters of Bangka who naturally know the history of tin in their own area,” he said.

Fadely admitted, during the pandemic yesterday, students and teachers complained a lot because the learning process was not optimal. Moreover, many teaching and learning activities are carried out online.

"You could say that this activity is a pioneer in our school, especially since the new student council administrator was helped after Covid-19. Almost two years ago our student council did not exist, and this is our first time attending. conduct a comparative study," he said.

In addition to gaining knowledge at school, they also gain knowledge outside of school. And the school is also very supportive of activities like this, in addition to increasing literacy, introducing history, and also adding historical insight.

“This comparative study program is one of the programs that we have created for the next year. Hopefully, this program will be able to continue, especially now that our status is already endemic, so there is no longer anything that can limit students from doing activities, "said Fadely.

Vellyza Bilbina, an 8th grader at SMP N 1 base Baru, also showed joy and admiration for the first time visiting the museum.

"This visit to the Museum is the first time for me, I am very happy to be able to visit the Museum, because in the past we wanted to visit the museum, but because the pandemic is still preventing us from visiting," he said.

According to him, not only he was enthusiastic about visiting MTI Pangkalpinang, but his colleagues also enjoyed visiting the museum.

“It's amazing, after entering the museum we know what the history - the history of the island of Bangka and the history of tin is. Anyway, my first visit to this museum was really, really wow, "said the Student Council Chair.