PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Strengthening the Implementation of Sports Championships, PT Timah Supports Futsal Nusantara Regional Sumatra 

WEST BANGKA -- To support sports development in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, PT Timah is again supporting the futsal championship held in West Bangka Regency.

PT Timah is the main sponsor in the Sumatra Regional Nusantara Futsal Championship which will take place on 15-23 July 2024.

PT Timah's assistance was handed over by the Head of the Processing and Smelting Division, Sofian Simangunsong, to the Chair of the Committee, Febrianto, at the opening of the Futsal Championship at GOR Sejiran Setason, Monday (15/7/2024).

PT Timah's efforts to support sports activities are a form of PT Timah's commitment to grow and develop together with the community by supporting various aspects of community life.

The Regent of West Bangka, Sukirman appreciated PT Timah for supporting the futsal championship held in Sejiran Setason Country.

"Thank you to PT Timah for participating in sponsoring the Indonesian Putsal League in West Bangka. Hopefully, it will encourage children in West Bangka and Bangka Belitung beyond," he said.

Chairman of the Nusantara Futsal Organizing Committee, Febrianto, said that PT Timah was the main sponsor of the Sumatra Regional Nusantara Futsal Championship.

"PT Timah's assistance will be used for the consumption of match equipment, for the committee during matches in the city of Mentok. Apart from that, PT Timah has prepared two home facilities for match needs and equipment during the match," he said.

He said he appreciated PT Timah for supporting sports activities in West Bangka.

"Hopefully in the future PT Timah will continue to support sporting events in Bangka Belitung, especially in West Bangka. Hopefully, PT Timah will continue to exist and progress," he said.

Likewise, the coach of the B2PAS West Bangka women's team, Agung Prasaja, said that his team would provide the best achievements for West Bangka. He hoped that PT Timah could also pay attention to the achievements of West Bangka futsal athletes.

"The target for this Nusantara Futsal championship is the top 3, the children will give their best for West Bangka. We consider that PT Timah is a company that protects every activity in the community. We hope that PT Timah can also pay attention to West Bangka Futsal athletes," he said.

Meanwhile, the Acting Head of the West Bangka Youth and Sports Education Service, Henki W, appreciated the West Bangka Futsal activities and the support provided by PT Timah.

According to him, activities like this can promote West Bangka Regency to people outside the region.

"The West Bangka district government supports the Futsal Nusantara Regional Sumatra activities. We also invite other sponsors and we appreciate PT Timah for providing its support," said Henki. (*)