PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Still in Momentum to Commemorate World Environment Day PT Timah Gotong Royong Clean Timun Beach

KUNDUR -- Still in commemoration of World Environment Day 2024, PT Timah employees again held a clean-up action at Timun Beach, Kundur Village, West Kundur District, Thursday (6/6/2024).

Previously, Timah employees held a mangrove planting activity at Batu Cat Beach.

Head of Operations Area Kundur Wiyono said that the clean-up activities around Timun Beach were a series of activities to commemorate and celebrate World Environment Day.

"This concrete action is a manifestation of the company's and employees' concern for the environment around the company's operational areas," said Wiyono.

In this Beach Cleaning activity, PT Timah involves the local community. This is a form of collaboration in environmental management carried out by PT Timah with the community.

Satrio, one of the Youth from Kundur Village who took part in this activity, expressed that he was very happy with the activities carried out by PT Timah employees to clean the area around Timun Beach, especially as this beach is one of the tourist destinations on Kundur Island.

"We feel happy and support this beach clean-up activity, hopefully activities like this can continue to be carried out in protecting the environment," he said. (*)