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Staying Strong Through Longing: Regina’s Journey to Chase Her Dreams with PT Timah’s Scholarship Program

BANGKA – Regina Rosalinda Nainggolan, a 16-year-old from Karimun Regency, Riau Islands, has chosen to endure the longing for her family in pursuit of her dreams. Thanks to PT Timah’s scholarship program, Pemali Boarding School, Regina is now continuing her education at SMAN 1 Pemali in the Bangka Belitung Islands.

Moving far from home is not easy for a teenager like Regina. However, her desire to receive a quality education and secure better opportunities for the future has given her the courage to take on this challenge.

Even though she has accepted the sacrifice, there are moments when she deeply misses her family.

"When I suddenly feel lonely, I often think of my older brother. He was always there for me, making me laugh whenever I felt sad or bored," Regina shared.

Regina is one of the scholarship recipients from PT Timah’s Pemali Boarding School Program, which offers free, high-quality education to students from communities near PT Timah’s operational areas. The program aims to nurture a highly competitive, skilled, and outstanding generation.

Regina has big aspirations—she wants to make her family proud, bring honor to her hometown, and contribute to her community in Karimun Regency.

"Sometimes, I doubt my own abilities, but I keep pushing forward to achieve my dreams, make my family proud, and give back to the people of Karimun," she said.

Encouraged by her parents, Regina is determined to study hard and secure a bright future.

"My parents always remind me that education is the key to a better life. They want me to get a good job and be more successful than they are," she added.

Regina understands that education opens doors to endless opportunities. With strong determination, she continues to excel academically and make the most of every chance she gets.

She is also grateful for the support and facilities provided by Pemali Boarding School, which offers a conducive learning environment for its students.

"Being a scholarship student at Pemali Boarding School is a great opportunity. It opens doors to so many things that I wouldn’t have experienced otherwise," she said.

Regina’s spirit aligns with President Prabowo Subianto’s Asta Cita vision, particularly in improving education quality and human resource development. One of the key missions of Asta Cita is to create a superior and competitive young generation through equal access to quality education across Indonesia. PT Timah’s scholarship program is a concrete step toward achieving this goal.

With proper education, children from PT Timah’s operational areas have the same opportunities to grow and contribute to the nation’s progress.

Regina is a living example of how education can bridge the gap between aspirations and achievements. Even though she had to leave her hometown, she firmly believes this sacrifice will lead to a brighter future. (*)