PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Starting from a hobby to making achievements, Pemali Boarding School PT Timah students won awards at the national level

BANGKA -- PT Timah's scholarship class program does not only provide academic education for the recipients. Through this program, PT Timah explores the potential and supports the talents of students.

The high school scholarship program implemented by PT at SMAN 1 Pemali is designed to support the improvement of the quality of human resources in the mining area.

Some time ago, Pemali Boarding School scholarship recipients won the “Best Video” award in the Geography Smart Competition for SMA / MA Equivalent Level held at the Indonesian Education University.

One of the Pemali Boarding School students who joined the Geosac 2025 competition team, Rizal Zikri, revealed that his desire to take part in the competition originated from his hobby of observing and analyzing environmental issues and problems in the Bangka Belitung Islands.

“I am very excited because learning is like a hobby, so we do a kind of research to observe issues that lead to geography in Bangka Belitung,” he said.

“My colleagues and I made a video with an environmental theme that tells the story of community unrest against unconventional mining in Bangka Belitung, and we also tried to offer solutions to the problem,” he added.

In the research process until carrying out the final elimination round at the Indonesian Education University, Rizal claimed to be fully guided and all equipment such as accommodation and transportation including school permits were also borne by Pemali Boarding School.

“Starting from the camera provided, after passing the initial round and continuing the next stage at UPI Bandung as a whole we were guided and supervised by supervisors and the school including we were also given study leeway,” he explained.

Rizal also added that the competition during the Olympiad was very tight so he was very proud that his team was given the “Best Video” appreciation by Geosac 2025.

“Although during the Olympics the writing and geotrack did not win, but I am proud because the team was able to compete with schools throughout Indonesia and managed to get the Best Video category appreciation at Geosac 2025,” he said.

He appreciated PT Timah for presenting the Pemali Boarding School Program and supporting students to develop their talents and interests so that they could make achievements.

“Thank you very much PT Timah for helping me from the beginning, I always try to show my achievements so that everything has been given is not in vain, hopefully PT Timah will continue to pay attention to children around its mining operations so that its human resources are more qualified,” he added. (*)