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Six Belitung Students Passed the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Program at SMA Negeri 1 Pemali, Suharlina Was Not Sured

BELITUNG -- Six students from Belitung Island have passed the selection for the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program at SMA Negeri 1 Pemali for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Previously, PT Timah Tbk announced that 36 students had passed the program, the students who graduated came from the Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel) Province, Riau Islands Province, and Riau Province.

The PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program selection process has been going on since last April with 257 students registered.

Various series of activities have been followed by the selection participants such as administrative tests, academic potential, psychological tests, interviews, clinical psychology, and medical tests.

Suharlina, one of the students accepted from SMPN 1 Manggar, admitted that she was very happy to be able to pass the scholarship class program.

"I feel happy, touched, and proud after being accepted into the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program at SMA Negeri 1 Pemali," said Suharlina.

According to her, she did not expect to pass because many participants took part in the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program selection.

However, she kept fighting and believed God would provide the best way. She also continues to try to learn.

"I study by looking for grids starting from social media and books in accordance with the specified tests, as well as making motivation as an encouragement in learning," she explained.

The student from Gajah Mada Hamlet, Mekar Jaya Village said his parents were very pleased, happy, and proud of their son's graduation in the MIND ID mining industry holding member program.

"When I heard that my parents had passed the test, they were very happy, happy, and proud," she said.

She is very grateful to be able to pass the program because this scholarship class program is one of the "golden tickets" for students in Belitung who are economically disadvantaged.

"With this scholarship class program, PT Timah Tbk has prepared the basis for future leaders with the best quality for students on Belitung Island," she said.

"I hope that PT Timah Tbk will continue to be victorious, and continue to be able to prepare and provide the best for Indonesia's golden generation candidates," she said. (*)