PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Sawang Laut Youth Receives Volleyball Sports Facilities from PT Timah Tbk

KUNDUR BARAT -- Supporting community sports activities, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance for volleyball sports facilities to the Tuah Bersatu Youth Organization, Sawang Laut Village, Kundur Barat District at the Sawang Laut Village office, Friday (28/01/2022).

The chairman of the Tuah Bersatu Youth Organization in Sawang Laut Village, Haryanto, said that these sports facilities are needed by the youth in Sawang Laut Village to channel their hobby of volleyball.

This sports facility assistance will support the daily training of the youth. Where volleyball is a sport that is in demand by young people in Sawang Laut Village.

"Hopefully, with the help of sports facilities that have been provided by PT Timah, it will give more enthusiasm to practice regularly so that their abilities are increasingly honed and can show maximum performance not only in the village, but also at the district or provincial level," he said.

Haryanto also appreciated PT Timah's consistent and sustainable support for community activities in various fields.

Meanwhile, Pjs. The Head of Sawang Laut Village, M.Isa, appreciated PT Timah for assisting community activities in its operational area.

"I see what PT Timah has done as a social responsibility to the community has been very focused and on target to the needs of the community itself," he said.

He hopes that PT Timah will continue to collaborate with the community so that the presence of PT Timah Tbk can be felt the benefits.

"Hopefully PT Timah will be more successful, run smoothly in its business and continue to grow, so that its contribution to society can continue and be further improved," he concluded. (**)