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Rini's Primadona Chips Business is Increasingly Successful After Becoming a Foster Partner of PT Timah Tbk, Becoming the Backbone of the Family Economy

WEST BANGKA -- Rini Enzelina (24) can become the backbone of the family's economy with the 'Primadona' chips business she is in.

Dara was born in 1999 and started her business when she was still in high school. He continued his mother's business since his father died because he had to help the family's economy.

The second child of three siblings continues to work hard to develop the 'Primadonna' chips business. Undeterred, this business continued to grow until he graduated from high school.

They started to develop several products and needed capital to be able to continue to survive and expand. So that in 2021 they took advantage of PT Timah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding (PUMK) program.

Rini's various Primadona chip products, such as Spicy Sweet Potato Chips, Various Flavored Banana Chips, Breadfruit Stick, Clade Chips, Coconut Root, Purple Bijur, Peanut Brittle and Anchovies.

In addition, Rini also has products that are loved by housewives, namely honeycomb sweet banana chips and salted potatoes for garnishing soup.

"Starting from continuing my mother's business, after graduating from Vocational High School in 2013 I was trying to find venture capital. Thank God PT Timah Tbk granted the loan application," explained the Open University student majoring in Management.

Not long after, Rini's business began to grow with the help of PT Timah's PUMK, she bought equipment to support her business. From the profits of his business, he can buy vehicles to market his products.

"After getting a loan from PT Timah, it was used to buy machinery, raw materials, and plastic wrap for chips ordered from outside Bangka Island in order to attract buyers. After that, the business grew. From the profit I was able to buy a vehicle and a plot of land," she said.

This member of the West Bangka Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) said that the land he had purchased was planned to build a production house.

Thanks to Rini's tenacity, the West Bangka Regional Government and agencies have included her chip business to take part in exhibitions outside the region.

"Primadona Chips have participated in exhibitions held outside the region representing West Bangka district such as at the National Week (Penas) of the Agriculture Service in Padang, Expo Exhibition in Jakarta, UMKM Exhibition at Sea Games Palembang, in Batam and Belitung," explained Rini.

Apart from being marketed offline, Primadona Rini's Chips are also promoted through social media, so it is not uncommon for her to be flooded with orders from consumers.

To attract the attention of buyers, Rini has also fulfilled her business requirements by having an Entrepreneurial Identification Number (NIB), a Food Safety Distribution Permit (PIRT) for Home Industry Food, and Halal Certified from MUI.

According to Rini, PT Timah's PUMK program has really helped her business grow. There are many facilities provided by PT Timah Tbk so that business actors like them can continue to improve their business.

She hopes that in the future PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program can continue and their products can be selected to participate in exhibitions representing PT Timah's fostered partners.

"Hopefully the exhibition on behalf of PT Timah's Foster Partners will be included, and hopefully this noble program that helps lift the MSME economy will continue to be maintained," she hoped.