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Riduan is Finally Able to Re-open a Grocery Store Business After Receiving Assistance from PT Timah Tbk

*Fire Victims at Simpang Perlang

CENTRAL BANGKA - Riduan Saputra (39) resident of Jongkong Permai Street, RT 13, Simpang Perlang Village, Koba District, Central Bangka Regency, he still clearly remembers the fire that hit his house and grocery store on Sunday (3/10/2021).

Riduan said the fire occurred around 08.00 WIB. Where at that time he was behind the house. He saw the fire starting to grow from inside the house.

"It turned out that the fire came from inside the shop, which was caused by sparks from the spark plug of a customer's vehicle that was filling fuel at the shop, until the fire grabbed the fuel and the fire spread to my entire house," said Riduan when receiving assistance from PT Timah Tbk, Wednesday (2/3/2022).

As a result of the disaster he experienced, Riduan and his family received assistance from various parties to ease his burden.

The house, which is inhabited by a man who works as a farmer, could not be occupied after the fire accident, so his family had to rent one not far from his house.

Thankfully, now Riduan has returned to live in his house and he wants to open the grocery store business that he once worked in.

"Thank you PT Timah for the assistance provided, we really hope for help from PT Timah. I will use this assistance to open a grocery store business,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Simpang Perlang sub-district government initiated to apply for assistance to various agencies and including PT Timah Tbk to help ease the burden on Riduan and his family.

Lurah in Simpang Perlang Village, Milyadi admitted that Riduan's condition at that time was indeed apprehensive where Riduan's property had been devoured by the red rooster.

"Mr. Riduan's condition was apprehensive at that time, everything was gone. Even for food needs and the construction of his house were assisted by various parties," he said.

His party appreciates the assistance from PT Timah Tbk which has helped their residents who were stricken by the disaster. In the future, he hopes that this synergy and collaboration can continue both for assistance and community development.*