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Reviewing the Construction of the PT TIMAH Tbk TSL Ausmelt Furnace Smelter, President Jokowi Reveals Downstreaming of Tin.

PANGKALPINANG – President Joko Widodo inspected the PT TIMAH Tbk Top Submerge Lance (TSL) Ausmelt Furnace construction project in the Muntok Metallurgical Unit Area, West Bangka Regency, Thursday (20/10/2022).

The President accompanied by the President Director of PT Timah Tbk, Achmad Ardianto, Director of Operations and Production of PT Timah Tbk Purwoko, Acting Governor of Bangka Belitung Ridwan Djamaluddin inspected the Ausmelt Furnace (TSL) development project and PT TIMAH Tbk's tin block warehouse.

The President Director of PT TIMAH Tbk explained related to the work process, the advantages of this technology, and the development progress (TSL) of the Ausmelt Furnace. On this occasion, President Joko Widodo also saw firsthand the operation control room (TSL) of the Ausmelt Furnace.

"Today I saw a new smelter owned by PT TIMAH Tbk, this shows our seriousness in the context of tin downstream," said President Joko Widodo after reviewing the Ausmelt Furnace (TSL) development project.

According to him, the construction of this modern tin processing plant will be completed in November. With the Ausmelt Furnace (TSL) operation, it is hoped to accelerate downstream in the country in the context of the availability of tin minerals as a commodity.

"This will be completed in November, we hope that the downstream movement in the tin will soon follow as we did in nickel. But we have not calculated when we will stop exporting tin raw materials so that it goes well and no one is harmed," said the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

President Joko Widodo said that PT TIMAH Tbk's new smelter would increase the added value of domestic tin processing.

"This will provide added value in the country and absorb more jobs," said Jokowi.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Timah Tbk, Achmad Ardianto said that the operation of the TSL Ausmelt Furnace can certainly increase the effectiveness of production with a more efficient processing process.

"PT Timah Tbk is carrying out a transformation of processing technology with ausmelt as a form of technology optimization, capacity building, production efficiency, and environmental safety and health," said Achmad Ardianto.

PT Timah Tbk is an integrated tin mining company from exploration, tin ore mining, and processing into tin metal, to marketing both at home and abroad. Then since some time ago the company also built Downstream Industry through its subsidiary PT Timah Industri which produces Tin Chemical and Solder.

“The company sees the government's policy to strengthen the downstream of domestic industry as an opportunity and a spirit that we must jointly answer. For this reason, for the past few years, PT Timah Tbk has continued to strive to increase added value by developing various downstream tin products such as Tin Chemical and Solder through its subsidiary, PT Timah Industri”. clear

(TSL) Ausmelt Furnace PT Timah Tbk is a form of transformation and innovation of low-grade tin processing technology carried out by PT TIMAH Tbk. Previously, PT TIMAH Tbk used the Reverberatory Furnace as a processing technology.

The construction of this smelter is one of the strategic projects of the parent mining SOE, MIND ID. It is planned that this project will start commissioning in the fourth quarter of 2022.

The construction work is carried out by PT Wijaya Karya as well as a form of SOE synergy. The TSL Ausmelt Furnace project also cooperates with Outotec a technology provider that owns this technology.

PT TIMAH Tbk spent an investment of IDR 1.2 trillion for the construction of the TSL Ausmelt Furnace smelter which came from the company's capital expenditure (Capex) budget.

Construction of TSL Ausmelt Furnace to answer the challenges faced by the tin mining industry today. Where the availability of tin ore with high levels or above 70 percent Sn is already limited, TSL Ausmelt Furnace itself is capable of processing low-grade tin ore concentrates starting from 40% Sn, with a production capacity of 40,000 tons of crude tin per year or 35,000 metric tons of ingots per year.

The TSL Ausmelt Furnace work system is carried out with an Automated Process with a Control System so that it can reduce the impact of work accident risks and also work effectively with more modern tin processing technology.

PT TIMAH Tbk at a glance:

PT TIMAH Tbk is a leading tin producer as well as one of the largest tin exporters in the world with operational areas for tin mining and smelting in the Provinces of Bangka Belitung, Riau Islands, and Riau.

Has been a Limited Liability Company since 1976 and has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange since 1995, and has been part of the Mining Industry Holding MIND ID since 2017. PT TIMAH Tbk runs a vertically integrated tin business, starting from exploration, mining, smelting, and metal refining activities. tin to marketing serving international and domestic customers. Tin metal products under the brand name “Banka Tin”, “Kundur Tin”, and “Muntok Tin” have an international reputation and have been listed on the London Metal Exchange (LME).

Currently, PT TIMAH Tbk, which is a member of the International Tin Association (ITA) has 4 (four) main business lines, namely tin mining, tin downstream (tin chemical and tin solder), non-tin mining (coal and nickel), and business-based competencies including property, shipbuilding, agribusiness.

PT Timah Industri

PT Timah Industri is a direct subsidiary owned by the Company which is engaged in the downstream tin metal industry with the aim of increasing the added value of the Company which is located in the KIEC Cilegon area, Banten. The products produced by PT Timah Industri are tin solder and tin chemical. Tin chemical is the best heat stabilizer because it is very effective for rolling, forming, and injecting hard Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) printed materials. This material is also used in the food packaging plastic industry and other hard Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) products for the plastic building materials industry such as doors, plastic windows, water pipes, and decoration materials. PT Timah Industri was established based on the Notarial Deed of Imas Fatimah, S.H., No. 74 dated June 18, 1998.