PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Residents of East Kace Village are enthusiastic about checking their health at the PT Timah Healthy Car, a free health service for the community 

BANGKA -- PT Timah collaborates with PT Timah Agro Manunggal (TAM) to provide free health services through Healthy Cars for the community in East Kace Village, West Mendor District, and Bangka Regency through Healthy Cars.

Health services at the PT Timah Healthy Car for East Kace residents were carried out in the PT TAM Office Yard on Thursday (15/8/2024). The presence of this Healthy Car was also enthusiastically welcomed by residents.

PT Timah's Healthy Car provides health services in the form of general health checks, doctor consultations, provision of free medicines, and education about healthy lifestyles.

Sapriyadi (46), a resident of East Kace Village, admitted that he was happy to be able to get free health services at the PT Timah Healthy Car.

“I am grateful and feel very helped by this service. "Apart from getting a health check, I was also given medicine and education about how to maintain my health," he said.

Likewise, Sophia (41) is grateful for the presence of the PT Timah Tbk Healthy Car, especially since she has several complaints of illness.

"I came here with complaints of shoulder pain and dizziness, but I was examined and given medicine directly from the doctor. I'm happy because the doctor is very informative," he said.

According to him, the presence of Healthy Cars is very beneficial for them. Therefore, he hopes that the PT Timah Healthy Car can return to their village, making it easier for residents to seek treatment.

Meanwhile, the Head of East Kace Village, Amirullah, said that their residents were quite enthusiastic about participating in health services at the PT Timah Healthy Car.

"Residents are very enthusiastic about this health car, especially because of the presence of doctors. This is a valuable opportunity for residents to consult directly about their health problems," he said.

According to him, they also have health services at Posyandu, but there are still limited medical personnel. With this healthy car program, residents can get more comprehensive health services.

"I really appreciate the initiative of PT Timah and PT TAM. Hopefully, this collaboration can continue and become closer. In the future, I hope we can hold more similar activities so that the health of the people of East Kace Hamlet can continue to be maintained," he said.

One of the medical personnel at PT Timah's Healthy Car, Dr. Sigit Wahyu, said that the enthusiasm of the residents of East Kace Village was quite high. It was recorded that around 80 residents had received treatment.

After carrying out an examination, Sigit revealed that hypertension or high blood pressure was the most common health problem in the area.

"Each region tends to be different, but examination results show that high blood pressure is quite dominant in East Kace Village," he said. (*)