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Remaining Resilient Amidst Economic Challenges, PT Timah Receives Best Stock Award 2025

JAKARTA - PT Timah won the Best Stock Awards 2025 Category of SOEs and SOE Subsidiaries in the Middle Cap Raw Goods Sector from investortrust and Infovesta at Hotel Sultan, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 25, 2025.

The Best Stock Awards 2025 with the theme “85 Indonesia Listed Companies,” is an award given to issuers for their ability to achieve growth in the company's fundamental and technical performance amid the harsh economic challenges.

The Best Stock Awards 2025 assessment was conducted on 947 shares of issuers listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange until the end of December 2024.

Editor-in-Chief of investortrust Primus Dorimulu said, the Best Stock Awards 2025 is a form of appreciation and appreciation from investortrust and Infovesta as stakeholders of the issuer for the ability to achieve fundamental and technical performance growth amid the harsh economic challenges.
the harshness of economic challenges.

''We hope that the Best Stock Awards 2025 can also be a reference and additional information for market players and investors in identifying which stocks are the most qualified,'' Primus Dorimulu said.

Furthermore, the best stocks selected as winners have been selected very strictly, so that they have the potential to continue to strengthen, even when economic conditions are unstable.

Director of PT Infovesta Utama Parto Kawito explained, before calculating stocks that deserve to be champions, his party started the assessment by applying various assessment indicators.

''This initial selection is important, so that the stocks that become champions are the best quality stocks that can be a reference for investors,'' said Parto.

There are five initial selection criteria in the Best Stock Awards 2025 ranking, namely: Issuers listed on IDX for at least 5 years, average daily transaction value in the last 1 year of at least Rp 1 billion, never or not having default or legal problems based on official decisions in the last 3 years, and in order to support the ESG program, issuers who do not have a Sustainability Report for the 2022 fiscal year period will get a reduction in value, or penalty.

After passing the initial selection, companies that qualify will be assessed from the aspects of financial performance, valuation aspects, volatility aspects and liquidity aspects.

PT Timah Corporate Secretary Rendi Kurniawan said, this award is clear evidence of the company's commitment to prioritizing good governance, solid financial performance, and continuous efforts to provide added value to shareholders and stakeholders.

“This award is a motivation for the Company to continue to improve the company's performance, develop innovations, and strengthen positive contributions to the national economy. We thank the entire team, investors, and business partners who continue to support the company's strategic steps,” he said.

Throughout 2024, PT Timah managed to record stable performance growth, supported by adaptive business strategies, operational efficiency, and commitment to sustainability. As a listed company, PT Timah always strives to maintain public trust through accurate reporting and long-term growth-oriented policies. (*)