PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Rehabilitating Wild Animals on Ex-Mining Land, PT Timah's Concrete Steps in Animal Conservation

PANGKALPINANG -- Wild animals play an important role in maintaining the sustainability of the environmental ecosystem. For this reason, PT Timah together with the Alobi Foundation carried out wildlife rehabilitation at the Animal Rescue Center (PPS) in Kampoeng Air Jangkang Reclamation.

Kampoeng Water Reclamation is one of the PT Timah Reclamation areas located in Bangka Regency. In this area, PT Timah carries out reclamation in other forms which integrate the agricultural, nursery, plantation, and livestock sectors.

PPS Alobi Air Jangkang is one of the concrete steps taken by PT Timah to play an active role in conserving, rescuing, and preserving state-protected wild animals.

Currently, as many as 121 animals are being rehabilitated at the Air Jangkang PPS, such as parrots, peacocks, crocodiles, sambar deer, deer, gibbons, binturongs, Javan gibbons, sun bears, and various other species.

The animals being rehabilitated are animals confiscated by the state victims of conflict with the community and animals translocated from other PPS.

Since it was founded in 2018, hundreds of protected wild animals have been rehabilitated at the Alobi Air Jangkang PPS. This rehabilitation process is an effort to restore wild instincts. Animals that are ready to be returned to their habitat will be released into their habitat.

The manager of PPS Alobi Air Jangkang, Endi R Yusuf, said that currently the wild animals rehabilitated at PPS Alobi AirANGKAng are 30 crocodiles.

This is because currently there is a high level of conflict between crocodiles and humans, due to the crocodile ecosystem being disturbed due to illegal mining activities. So shortly, a Wild Plants and Animals Task Force will be formed.

Endi said that PT Timah is one of the mining companies that is very concerned about animal conservation. This is proven by PT Timah's consistent support for the animal rehabilitation program at the Alobi Air Jangkang PPS.

"The program run by PT Timah and Alobi at PPS Alobi Air Jangkang is one of the best programs for preserving wild animals," said Endi.

He said that PT Timah's business activities as a mining company certainly had a direct impact on the environment. However, if this is done in a controlled manner and by the regulations the impact of mining will be minimized.

"Through PPS Alobi Air Jangkang, this is PT Timah's effort to preserve wildlife in Babel. After rehabilitation, these animals will be released back into their habitat. PT Timah's efforts should be adopted by other mines because it is a concrete step in supporting wildlife conservation," said Endi.

Wildlife plays an important role in maintaining ecosystems, especially now that the world is facing the challenge of climate change.

"Wildlife has an important role in nature, so we must preserve it to save biodiversity in Indonesia," he said.

According to him, the Alobi Foundation also often educates the public to preserve wild animals by not hunting and not destroying animal ecosystems. (*)