BANGKA -- In order to support energy security and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, PT Timah Tbk together with Forkompimda Bangka Belitung and Bangka Regency planted 1500 Angsana tree seedlings in the workshop area of Balai Karya PT Timah Tbk. Friday (28/02/2025).
Deputy Chairman of the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial DPRD, Eddy Iskandar appreciated the activities carried out by members of the Mind Id mining holding. This is a joint effort to protect the environment, as well as an effort to reduce the impact of greenhouse emissions while also maintaining energy security.
“PT Timah as a large state-owned company in Bangka Belitung also has an obligation to protect this environment, moreover the activities of PT Timah are also very closely correlated with natural landscapes and so on, of course it must work together with all parties,” he said.
He also hopes that activities like this can continue to be improved and can have an economic impact on the community.
“Let all of us together protect this land of Bangka Belitung, protect the environment, protect the energy environment and also in order to support every activity that can have an economic impact on the community,” he added.
Similarly, Ismir Rahmaddinianto, Head of the Bangka Regency Environment Agency, said that this activity was the first step in supporting energy security.
“For today's planting activity, it is the first step in the framework of collaboration between PT Timah and the local government, as well as the Indonesian renewable energy community communication as well as the presence of PLN friends, in the future it is hoped that all relevant stakeholders will create this Bangka Regency area to support existing energy resilience,” he said.
He also expected PT Timah Tbk to continue to support this program, so that the dreamed energy self-sufficiency can be realized.
“I hope PT Timah in the activity is not just this once, but a roadmap is made for the future we are more extensive, planting, both on PT Timah's asset lands and on reclaimed lands from PT Timah. So that later for us the critical lands in this bangka district can be resolved more quickly,” he said.
Department Head Corporate Communication of PT Timah, Anggi Siahaan said PT Timah has implemented various initiatives to support energy security such as the use of environmentally friendly energy in operational activities and carbon reduction for sustainable business.
“The initiatives carried out by PT Timah are expected to not only have a positive impact on the environment, but also strengthen the company's competitiveness in facing the challenges of a global industry that is increasingly oriented towards a green economy,” he said. (*)