PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Reducing Pollution and Greening the Area, PT Timah Tbk Plants 180 Productive Plant Trees in West Kundur District

WEST KUNDUR -- PT Timah Tbk together with the Kundur District Government planted 180 fruit seedlings in the Kundur District Head office area, Karimun Regency, Wednesday (13/9/2023).

Planting these productive trees is one of the company's efforts to reduce air pollution and is also in line with the decarbonization efforts that PT Timah Tbk is currently continuing to promote.

The various types of plants planted such as mango, longan, jackfruit, kedondong as well and other plants are the company's efforts to support environmental preservation in the operational areas of the company PT Timah Tbk.

This planting activity also involved PT Timah Tbk employees and the surrounding community to jointly plant hundreds of trees. The hope is that this tree will be cared for so that the benefits can be felt together.

The head of West Kundur District, Yusufian, said that his party really supports this planting activity, apart from making this area greener and shadier. Later the results can also be enjoyed together.

"This planting activity is very good, we just need to care for the seeds we planted today so they can grow and develop well, so they will provide benefits to the community," he said.

This planting activity was also attended by Deputy Head of Kundur Production Unit Anton Saputra, Head of PAM Rakimin, Head of West Kundur District Yusufian, Head of Sawang Laut Village Jefrizal, Danramil 03 Kundur Lettu Czi Budiarto Sianturi and employees of PT Timah Tbk. (*)