PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Reducing Medical Costs for South Bangka Residents, PT Timah Tbk Hands Over Assistance for Early Childhood

SOUTH BANGKA - To reduce the medical expenses of residents, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance to Dini (56) a resident of Serdang Village, Toboali District, South Bangka Regency.

It's been a year since Dini's condition has weakened due to complications such as high blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, and kidney disease.

Dini, who works as a farmer, can no longer carry out her usual activities. According to her, she has been doing dialysis for 10 months. In one week, she had to wash the blood twice.

"With this condition, I can not do any activity. It was difficult for me to move, so I was mostly bedridden. I can only surrender to my current situation,” said Dini.

Dini has to undergo dialysis in Pangkalpinang, she usually uses public transportation because there is no cost to rent a vehicle.

“I use public buses, we don't have money to rent a car. I sometimes can't make it through the trip. But if you don't do it, my condition will get weaker, even just to breathe, it's rather difficult for me," she said.

She said that during his illness, she was forced to sell her garden land to pay for medical expenses and daily life.

"Currently only my wife is working, and even then she works as a laborer in the residents' gardens," he said.

She is grateful, dialysis can be free, it's just that there are medicines that must be redeemed.

"Alhamdulillah, the dialysis procedure is free, only if there is a prescription from the doctor, we will buy the medicine. Because we don't have enough money, we usually only buy half," she said.

She is very grateful to be able to get help from PT Timah Tbk so that she can help with her medical expenses.

"Thank you very much PT Timah for helping us. We will use this assistance to buy my medicines and also for our daily living expenses," she said.