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Reduce Medical Expenses for Nyuruk Villagers, PT Timah Tbk Gives Aid to Seniwati

EAST BELITUNG - To reduce medical expenses for residents of Nyuruk Village, Dendang District, East Belitung Regency, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance to Seniwati.

Seniwati has a tumor on her head, it started when she often suffered from very severe headaches for years. Upon examination, it turned out that he had a tumor.

Seniwati's sister, Leni, said that before that, she did not get treatment very often, but due to her illness, she had to go through various series of treatments until she was operated on last February.

Due to various limitations of treatment at the Belitung Hospital, Seniwati had to be referred to the Bangka Belitung Provincial Hospital.

"There was a neurosurgeon there, so after being examined he had to operate twice because the skull was damaged as a result of the tumor," said Leni.

According to Leni, her sister had to be operated on again to attach a skull bone, and so far there has not been an operation because there are still financial constraints.

She said the second operation had to be operated on, which was scheduled for December. However, at first they were hesitant to carry out a second operation because of financial constraints. Moreover, the cost required is quite large to print the bones of the head.

"Yesterday's costs were a lot, moreover she had to lie on the plane, plus there were nurses attending and other costs, because it was outside BPJS," she explained.

Leni explained that now her brother's condition has started to improve. In fact, she no longer uses a catheter. Moreover, they continue to routinely carry out physiotherapy control at the Belitung Hospital.

"Alhamdulillah, now I could sit. I couldn't sit my speech was not clear before, and now it's starting to run smoothly," she explained.

Leni is grateful for the assistance from PT Timah Tbk because the assistance will be used by them for the second operation later.

"Alhamdulillah, we will use this assistance for the second operation in December," she explained.