PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Received Medical Assistance from PT Timah Tbk for her mother, Nilawati was Unable to Hold Back Her tears

SOUTH BANGKA - Nilawati (52) could not hold back her tears when she received assistance from PT Timah Tbk for medical expenses for her mother Umi Kalsum (75).

This resident of Jalan Suka Damai, Tanjung Ketapang Village, Toboali District, South Bangka Regency needs medical expenses because she will take her mother to the hospital for further care.

“It can't be said in words, because we need this help. We only hope that PT Timah will continue to be victorious so that it will continue to care about the community," she said.

She recounted, the day after getting help for her parents. Previously, they were confused about the cost of treatment

"Thank God, when we received information from PT Timah there would be a handover of aid. We are very grateful. Because the next day we were asked to take mom to the hospital. If this assistance is not available, we are also confused about where to get the funds from," said Nilawati.

Nila never stopped wiping her tears when she told about her mother's health condition. Moreover, lately, the mother's illness has been getting worse.

“Since January, my mother started to be hospitalized. Since then, she regularly goes back and forth to the hospital. The doctor said, my mother had cysts in her intestines. Besides that, there is also anemia, which has been added to the blood several times. This condition often causes my mother to experience drops that even make her faint," she said.

In addition, with the old age factor, Nila is increasingly worried about her mother's condition for surgery.

"I was going to have an operation, but my mother didn't want to. She even refused several times to undergo surgery, but after her condition worsened, finally my mother was ready to undergo surgery," she said.