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Realizing Quranic Generation in Belo Laut Village, PT Timah Tbk Assists in Construction of TPA Al Muhajirin Dusun I Tanjung Punai

WEST BANGKA -- To encourage the creation of a Quranic generation, PT Timah Tbk participated in the construction of the Al Muhajirin Quran Education Park, Dusun 1 Tanjung Punai, Belo Laut Village, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency.

The assistance in the form of development funds was handed over to the Head of the Unmet Secretariat, Arief Yudianto, to the Head of TPA Al Muhajirin Hidayat, witnessed by the Belo Laut Ibnu Village Head, Ulama, Babinsa, and Bhabinkamtibmas at the construction site, Tuesday (30/8/2022).

Head of the Al-Muhajirin TPA Development Tanjung Punai Hidayat said the construction of the Al-Muhajirin TPA was initially sourced from non-governmental organizations. However, it was discontinued due to limited funds.

"Initially there were residents who donated land, then raised funds independently to build the TPA.
Thank God PT Timah granted our request for assistance," Hidayat said.

Hidayat, who is also the Head of the RT, expressed his appreciation to PT Timah, thanks to PT Timah's assistance, the construction of the TPA can continue.

"As RT, on behalf of the residents of Tanjung Punai, I would like to thank PT Timah who has helped a lot in the construction of the TPA. Hopefully, the children here can become Hafiz Al-Quran, that is our goal," he said.

Similarly, an Ulama in Dusun I Tanjung Punai, Ninja, said that the local community had wanted to build a TPA for a dozen years, but was constrained by costs. Therefore, they are grateful to be able to get assistance from PT Timah Tbk so that they can realize their dream of building a landfill.

"It has been a dozen years since the people here have wanted to build a TPA. Only this was achieved with the help of PT Timah. Thank you for the help from PT Timah. God willing, with the presence of a TPA here, children can be educated about reading the Qur'an properly," said Ninja who is also the chairman of the Al Hidayah mosque in Tanjung Punai.*