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Ratna's Arum Wedang Business Turnover Soars After Becoming a Foster Partner of PT Timah Tbk

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah Tbk continues to strive to encourage the business progress of its fostered partners through training and product promotions. This is what made Ratna Ningrum Hajariah's business take off even further.

Ratna is the owner of Arum Wedang which provides various drinks from various spices which have many health benefits.

She started running his business in 2018, but his business grew rapidly after becoming a partner with PT Timah Tbk in 2021.

She has also carried out various product innovations, he is now marketing lemongrass, lemon, turmeric, key lime, ginger tamarind, wedang uwuh and other herbal drinks.

According to Ratna, her business has continued to grow after becoming a partner with PT Timah Tbk, her turnover continues to increase in line with the promotional efforts carried out by the company.

"I initially became a partner with PT Timah Tbk because I was told by a friend that my business was growing because I received guidance and assistance with promotion. So I also wanted to take advantage of the partner program," he said.

Her efforts were not in vain after becoming a partner with PT Timah Tbk. He was able to further promote his products because he was often invited to take part in various exhibitions.

As his capital increased, he also began to entrust his products to various shops so that they could be obtained easily by the public.

The increase in production numbers, he said, will of course also have an impact on increasing turnover. It can even increase up to double than usual.

She said that he started this drink business because he saw that there was a lot of potential for lemongrass in Bangka. However, it has not been processed optimally. Finally, he processed the lemongrass drink and made it like the contemporary drink it is today.

"I started the Arum wedang business because I had a lemongrass garden. At first I just sold the lemongrass and distributed it to neighbors. But the results continued to get a lot. Finally, I tried processing it into a drink because lemongrass has many health benefits," She said.

"Then I started to develop this drink to make the lemongrass taste not like traditional herbal medicine but rather to present the taste of a useful but light herbal drink. It turned out that this was in demand, so finally, I started to expand it to other spices such as ginger and others," She said.

Even after becoming a fostered partner, he said that it was not only the Arum Wedang business that was developing, but the toy business that he had started earlier was also developing.

"After that, I also used the capital from PT Timah Tbk to build an Arum Wedang production house and a production house for my toy business. Thank God, everything went smoothly," She said.

She feels lucky because he has become a partner developed by PT Timah Tbk because he has learned many new things. Apart from growing his business, he can also increase his knowledge about entrepreneurship from the training provided by PT Timah Tbk.

"I have felt a lot of benefits from being a partner trained by PT Timah Tbk. I hope that the PUMK PT Timah Tbk program can continue so that more and more MSMEs can feel the benefits," She said. (*)