PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah's Social Innovation in Air Limau Village, Leading Air Limau Village to Become a Representative for West Bangka at the Bangka Belitung Province Level

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah, through its community empowerment program, continues to support the development and potential of villages in the company's operational areas. One of them is supporting the social innovation program in Air Limau Village, West Bangka Regency.

The innovation of the village community development program to stimulate the economy carried out by PT Timah in Air Limau Village, led to Air Limau Village becoming a representative for West Bangka Regency to take part in the 2024 Bangka Belitung Islands Province Village and Subdistrict Competition.

PT Timah implements a number of social innovation programs in Air Limau Village, one of which is a food security program, waste management and a program to stimulate the community's economy.

Head of Air Limau Village, Mexsi Diansah, said that Air Limau Village collaborates with third parties, one of which is PT Timah, to carry out social innovation based on community empowerment.

"Air Limau Village has been appointed to represent West Bangka district in taking part in the 2024 Bangka Belitung Province Village and Subdistrict Competition thanks to an innovation in collaboration with PT Timah," he said, Thursday (2/5/2024).

He mentioned that several programs were being implemented, such as Kampung Amoi, Bank Sepakat, and the charming cultural program, namely innovation in chicken farming and compost by empowering women's groups and supporting tourism under Cepakek.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bamgka Belitung Province Village Social and Community Empowerment Service, Budi Utama, appreciated Air Limau Village for being able to involve third parties in driving the economy in the village.

"Thank God, Air Limau Village is one of the villages that gets support from stakeholders, especially third parties, both private and state-owned companies. There have been many stories, especially about PT Timah collaborating with them, this is in accordance with the village head's vision and mission, synergy with the PT Timah program, he said.

According to Budi, PT Timah has supported village community empowerment activities which are in line with Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 36 of 2020 concerning the Family Empowerment and Welfare Movement.

In the future, he hopes that the Village Government can also support PT Timah in carrying out its business processes, so that the collaboration that is built can provide benefits for both parties.

"In the future, we plan to make a cooperation agreement, so that PT Timah doesn't just give money, but there must be feedback to PT Timah. If PT Timah organizes an event, it can support the village head, so that the synergy runs well," said Budi.

Budi added, apart from Air Limau Village, PT Timah is also involved in developing communities in several areas in Bangka Belitung. In the future, he hopes that this synergy can continue.

"Apart from Air Limau Village, PT Timah also helps many other villages, such as in Belitung, PT Timah reclaims land managed by BUMDES. Hopefully this can go well," he said. (*)