PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah's Rapid Response to Stunting, Educating Millennials and Supporting Community Sanitation Infrastructure

PANGKALPINANG - PT Timah remains committed to improving the health quality of communities around mining areas. One of their initiatives is to address the issue of stunting in the company's operational areas. The efforts to tackle stunting by PT Timah also align with the government's program to eradicate stunting in Indonesia towards Indonesia Emas 2045 in the future.

PT Timah is not only focused on addressing stunting but is also actively involved in a stunting prevention campaign by providing health literacy to groups of adolescents and mothers through the Stunting Reduction Activity Program (Kemunting).

Concrete efforts by the Mining Industry Holding Member MIND ID in stunting handling have been ongoing in recent years. In 2023, PT Timah implemented several programs for stunting prevention.

In dealing with stunting, through its Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) program, PT Timah implements a holistic program. For prevention, PT Timah provides education on stunting targeting millennials, women, and health cadres.

In terms of intervention, PT Timah also distributes supplementary food packages for children identified with stunting in the operational area. Usually, this activity is carried out in conjunction with the Mobile Health program.

PT Timah also supports the construction of proper sanitation facilities for the community to prevent stunting. Supporting the construction of MCK (Mandi, Cuci, Kakus - Bath, Wash, Toilet) and garbage disposal areas for the acceleration of the Open Defecation Free (ODF) program is one of the initiatives towards a healthy society.

For their significant attention to stunting, in August 2023, PT Timah received an award from the Community Social Workers Association (IPSM) of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. PT Timah was recognized as one of the companies that played a role in addressing stunting and poverty alleviation in Bangka Belitung.

The Chairman of IPSM Bangka Belitung, Doddy Dirnadi, acknowledged that PT Timah has been actively involved in addressing stunting and poverty in Bangka Belitung.

"The Community Social Workers Association gives awards to businesses that actively contribute to addressing stunting, and in this case, PT Timah is an integral part of supporting these activities," said Doddy Dirnadi, quoted from previous reports.

PT Timah has previously implemented the Kemunting program in East Belitung Regency, which was warmly welcomed by the district authorities. As stated by the Damar District Head, Arief Firmansyah, he appreciates PT Timah Tbk for conducting health socialization regarding stunting.

According to Arief, addressing stunting must be done collectively, involving health aspects, facilities such as the availability of toilets and clean water, economic factors, and parenting practices that also impact stunting.

"In Mengkubang Village, based on verification and evaluation results, the availability of clean water is fulfilled, and there are six households without toilets," he explained.

Arief explained that the Damar District remains optimistic in assisting the East Belitung Regency Government in addressing stunting. With this socialization, he said, it can help the government in educating the community.

"In Mengkubang, there are 10 families classified as stunting at risk, and 26 people with stunting," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Health Agency of West Bangka Regency, Muhamad Syafe'i Rangkuti, stated that the socialization to students in their area regarding stunting is very positive.

With a campaign targeting adolescents like this, it is hoped that students will become agents of change in tackling stunting. The government's socialization and counseling efforts would be in vain if the young people themselves do not actively participate in this mission.

"Programs like this are very positive, especially when the participants are high school students," said Muhamad Syafe'i Rangkuti. (*)"