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PT Timah's PUMK Program, Help Mahmud Develop a Grocery Store Business

KARIMUN -- PT Timah's Micro Business Funding Program (PUMK) has helped Mahfud in developing his grocery store business.

This resident of Pamak Village, Tebing District, Karimun Regency opened a basic food shop business at his residence. It provides various basic needs.

Mahmud's business was originally only to meet the family's food needs. However, seeing an opportunity, he started selling groceries to his neighbors.

"Initially, it was so that it would be easy for my wife to provide food for the family. Because before going to work in the morning I had to go to the market to shop for kitchen needs," he said.

Mahmud started to have the idea to open a small shop that provides basic daily needs ranging from rice, eggs, vegetables and other necessities.

"Apart from making things easier for families, this also helps residents so they don't have to go far to go to the market," he said.

Armed with minimal capital, Mahmud opened a small-scale basic food stall. Luckily, this business continues to grow and has more and more customers.

"Thank God, my business has received a positive response from residents who shop for their kitchen needs every day because it feels closer and easier," he said.

According to Mahmud, over time his business became more and more busy, so he took the initiative to develop his business so that it was easier for consumers to get the necessities they needed in his shop.

"But at that time I had capital constraints to develop my business. I finally took the initiative to look for a capital program that was suitable for my business so I took advantage of PT Timah's PUMK program," he said.

His efforts to obtain a capital loan from PT Timah bore fruit because his proposal was approved and he was able to develop his grocery store business.

"The PUMK program from PT Timah favors small businesses like me. After the funds are disbursed we are given a grace period of three months for the first installment, there are no deductions and disbursement is through the bank transfer system so it is truly transparent. So it's very helpful," he said.

He hopes that the PUMK program can continue so that small business actors can take advantage of the program to develop their businesses. (*)