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PT Timah's PUMK Program Has Helped Ery Yanto's Business Development

KARIMUN -- Taking advantage of PT Timah's Medium and Small Business Funding (PUMK) program several years ago was able to boost the business run by Ery Yanto, a resident of Lubuk Semut, Karimun District, Karimun Regency.

Ery Yanto said that he started this culinary business around 2015 by making various processed dry foods such as fish crackers, banana chips, and other dry cakes.

Before developing as it is today, according to him, various obstacles had been overcome. He has experienced ups and downs which have become lessons and encouragement in running his business.

Together with his wife, Ery Yanto, they created and marketed their business tirelessly so that in the end their food products were accepted by the public and continued to show encouraging developments.

With the growing development and increasing market demand, Ery Yanto began to have difficulty meeting consumers, so he planned to develop the business but was hampered by a large amount of capital.

"Various attempts to find existing capital information, none of which matched my abilities. In the end, I heard information regarding the soft loan program managed by PT Timah from a trader who had previously taken advantage of the program," he said.

Armed with this information, Ery Yanto discussed it with his family, and with the family's approval he took advantage of this program.

"After getting capital from PT Timah's PUMK program, apart from adding raw materials, I was also able to add workers from the surrounding community. This way I was able to increase production and meet market demand," he said.

With the help of the PUMK Program from PT Timah Ery Yanto, eleven types of dry processed food can be made. Market demand often increases during the fasting month and Idul Fitri.

According to Ery Yanto, the PUMK program from PT Timah is very helpful, apart from being easy to apply for and having many other conveniences.

He hopes that the PUMK program from PT Timah can continue so that it can help small businesses like himself to be able to develop their businesses and be able to compete. (*)