PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah's Lapak TINS Promotes MSME (UMKM) Products for Free on the Company's Social Media, Check out the Methods and Conditions

PANGKALPINANG -- The month of Ramadan is a momentum for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to increase sales. Given the purchasing power of the community is quite increased in the month of Ramadan.

Recognizing this potential, PT Timah through the 'Lapak TINS' program actively promotes MSME products throughout Indonesia through the company's social media as part of efforts to support local economic growth.

Lapak TINS is a free digital promotion space prepared to promote MSME products through instagram stories on the company's social media instagram page @officialtimah which is currently followed by 75.8 thousand social media users.

MSME players can be promoted for free by following the applicable terms and conditions. The promotion of MSME products on PT Timah Tbk's Instagram page will last until March 6-28, 2025.

Through this digital promotion, it is expected to intensify the promotion of MSME products throughout Indonesia so that they are increasingly recognized and are expected to increase the turnover of MSME players.

“We want fostered MSMEs to be able to take maximum advantage of Ramadan opportunities. With the support of digital promotion, they can reach more customers, not only in local areas but also throughout Indonesia,” said PT Timah's Department Head Corporate Communication, Anggi Siahaan.

This step is in line with PT Timah's commitment to empower MSMEs and strengthen the economy of the surrounding community. Through synergy between companies and MSMEs, it is hoped that a sustainable and competitive business ecosystem can be created.

This member of the MIND ID Mining Industry holding consistently supports the development of MSMEs in the Company's operational areas, one of which is through the Micro and Small Business Funding (PUMK) program, training programs, coaching, promotion to marketing of MSME products.

Well, for MSMEs who want to be promoted directly for free through PT Timah's Instagram @officialtimah can follow the following requirements.

- Own product (not a reseller)
- Create 1x Story with @officialtimah tag and use the hashtag #LapakTINS
- Include the origin of the region (Regency / City) & Phone Number