PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah's Healthy Cars Have Served Thousands of People, Residents Feel the Benefits Directly

PANGKALPINNANG -- PT Timah through the Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) program continues to improve health services for communities in the Company's operational areas.

One of the health service programs carried out by PT Timah is Healthy Cars. Healthy Cars is a health service that comes to various operational areas to provide services to hamlets.

Health services carried out in this car started at the end of 2020, and have visited hundreds of areas and served thousands of people in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province and the Riau Islands Province.

This member of the MIND ID Mining Industry holding has three fleets of Healthy Cars to provide health services on Bangka Island and Belitung Island, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, and in Karimun, Riau Islands Province.

Along with Healthy Car activities, PT Timah also often provides education about stunting management for the community through the Kemunting program. Apart from that, it also provides additional food packages for stunted children.

In 2023, PT Timah's Healthy Car provides services for 4,371 people, in 2022 PT Timah's Healthy Car provides services for 3,820 people.

The presence of the PT Timah Healthy Car also supports the Government's program to bring health services closer and improve the quality of public health.

The community has felt the benefits of PT Timah's Healthy Car Program directly because they don't need to travel far for treatment. Apart from that, they can also consult directly with the doctor who provides the service.

Health services at Mobil Sehat reach various groups ranging from children to the elderly.

The presence of PT Timah's Healthy Cars in each of these areas is also felt directly by the community. Every time a healthy car arrives, residents are always enthusiastic about taking advantage of this free health service.

Suparman, a resident of Kampit, East Belitung Regency, who has experienced health services from PT Timah, hopes that healthy cars will continue to work to serve the community.

"We hope that this service will continue to be present in the community because the benefits will be felt directly by the community," he said some time ago.

Likewise, Mila Karmilawati also received treatment for the first time in a PT Timah Tbk health car and was immediately impressed.

He claimed that the health service in the car was very good and made them comfortable seeking treatment.

He hopes that the healthy car service will always run and come regularly to that location.

"This is good, fast and friendly and there is good communication, the point is that it is more comfortable here," he concluded.

Similarly, the Head of Tanjung Ratu Hamlet, Rebo Village, Bangka Regency, Sudiryanto, said that the PT Timah healthy car had come to their hamlet for the first time and the residents were very enthusiastic about seeking treatment.

"I am very grateful to see the enthusiasm of many people who want to seek treatment. "But earlier I saw that it wasn't just Tanjung Ratu residents who were seeking treatment, there were also residents of Karang Panjang Hamlet, which is still the same as Rebo Village," he said.

"The arrival of PT Timah's health car to provide free health services helps residents. "Thank you to PT Timah for helping our residents get free medical services," he said.

Likewise, one of the residents of Air Bulang Hamlet, Keposang Village, South Bangka Regency, Junaina (51), said that he was very happy with the free health services at Mobil Sehat.

"From stories from people and neighbors, I know that there is free treatment from PT Timah. Anyway, get treatment at PT Timah. "PT Timah is willing to frequently provide free treatment for residents," he said. (*)