PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah's Healthy Car is Present in Riding Panjang Village, Residents are Enthusiastic about Free Health Checks

BANGKA -- PT Timah's Healthy Car is again providing health services to communities around the mine. This time the Healthy Car came to Riding Panjang Village, Belinyu District, Bangka Regency, on Wednesday (29/5/2024).

The presence of the PT Timah Healthy Car was enthusiastically welcomed by the community, and as many as 107 residents took advantage of the health services provided in this car.

Apart from providing free health services, PT Timah also carries out Kemunting activities (Activities to Reduce Stunting) as a form of education to prevent and treat stunting and provides additional food packages for stunted children.

Collaborating with the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (AIMI) Bangka Belitung, PT Timah educates about nutrition and processes local food to fulfill children's nutrition.

The Head of Riding Panjang Village, Surya Darma, said that their residents were very enthusiastic about the health services at Mobil Sehat. This is because health services are closer and free.

"The presence of healthy cars is a form of PT Timah's presence in our village to provide benefits to the residents of this village and they have done this in their work area," said Surya.

He said activities like this were very beneficial for their community and were something they had been waiting for.

"This activity is very good and useful. The residents were enthusiastic about coming because people cared about their health. Health is very important because there are many complaints about cholesterol, sugar, and high blood pressure which are sometimes unnoticed," he said.

He even received a positive response from their residents regarding the health services from PT Timah. He hopes that activities like this can continue.

"There are residents who say this is good, sir because it's rare in the village. With something like this, it's nice not to have far to go for treatment, and it's free and this makes our people want to come. Hopefully, PT Timah's healthy cars can come here again and we really support it," " he said.

He said that currently there are four children in their village who are stunted, so he also appreciates PT Timah for taking part in helping educate the community to prevent stunting.

"At the beginning of 2020, the data on stunting in our village was 50 children, but in 2024 there will be 4 children left with stunting. Hopefully it can be reduced and there will be no more," he said.

One of the residents of Riding Panjang Village who received health services at Mobil Sehat Roainin (52) said he was comfortable when seeking treatment at Mobil Sehat because of the friendly service.

"I have complaints such as having my cholesterol checked, the treatment is comfortable. The hope is PT Timah Jaya," She said.

Likewise, Siti Aisyah (39) said she was happy with the health services at Mobil Sehat because everything was checked, starting from cholesterol and others.

"It is very important to have this healthy car because to maintain health, PT Timah hopes that it can be more advanced and continue to be successful," She hoped.

Likewise, Reka Wulan Sari (25), a resident of Gunung Muda Village, said that she had used health services from PT Timah's Health Car twice and she had felt the benefits directly.

"The service is good. Previously, when a healthy car came to Air Abik in Yebong Memarong, I had treatment for scabs and they healed too. Hopefully in the future this healthy car will come again because it is really needed. Moreover, sometimes people are reluctant to come to the health center, with healthy cars people will come so I want to seek treatment because it's closer," She said. (*)