PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah Tbk's efforts in sinking artificial reefs as part of the marine ecosystem rehabilitation program have achieved results. The artificial reef structures that have been placed in the waters of Rambak, Sungailiat District, Bangka Regency in 2022 are now starting to grow natural recruitment, becoming new habitats for various marine biota.
PT Timah Tbk has consistently sunk thousands of artificial reefs in Bangka Waters since 2016 as a form of marine reclamation carried out by the company as well as efforts to restore marine ecosystems.
Based on the results of monitoring conducted by the Sayang Babel Kite Foundation with Bangka Belitung University Marine Science Lecturer Indra Ambalika Syari on March 15, 2025, it shows that the artificial reef structure has now become a home for various types of natural corals and attracts a diversity of fish and other marine biota.
This is an indicator of success in building a healthy underwater ecosystem and providing an impact on marine biota. Previously, PT Timah Tbk had sunk 240 artificial reef units in the area.
“The monitoring results show that the artificial reef that was sunk has been plastered with natural corals so that many fish come. This means that the artificial reef has become a natural reef. What makes me happy is that there are also indicator reef fish in the area, not only target fish that have high economic value,” he said.
Some types of indicator fish in these waters are from the Chaetodontidae, Pomacentridae, Apogonidae, and other fish families, while target fish in these waters include seminyak fish, red snapper, grouper, tompel, and copper scales.
According to him, the artificial reef sinking was successful because if seen from the biodiversity index, there were already more than 30 species of fish around the artificial reef.
PT Timah Tbk routinely sinks artificial reefs as part of the company's marine ecosystem management efforts.
“After sinking, monitoring and media maintenance will usually be carried out for three years. In this monitoring, we can see the composition of fish species and natural attachment. As for maintenance such as fixing the position of the artificial reef, cleaning up stuck garbage such as nets or plastic bag waste. This is a sustainable effort so that the results can be felt by fishermen,” he said.
According to Indra, the coordinates of the artificial reef sinking have also been distributed to fishermen, making it easier for them to catch fish.
“In carrying out the artificial reef sinking, PT Timah Tbk collaborates with fishermen groups and the coordinates of the sinking are also distributed. So that fishermen can actually take advantage of this so that they can easily find fishing spots,” he said.
With the sinking of artificial reefs carried out consistently, this is an effort to increase natural reefs in the sea, increase the habitat of marine ecosystems and increase the diversity of fish species.
“Artificial reef sinking is a solution and effort made so that all sectors can utilize the blessings of the sea, both PT Timah Tbk and other parties. We hope that rehabilitation activities and marine reclamation programs can be encouraged by other companies as well. Because Babel is a province with about 70% of the sea. If our sea is blessed, the community will also be blessed and prosperous,” he hoped.
In addition to Rambak Sea, according to him, several other PT Timah Tbk artificial reef sinking locations have been successful, such as Rebo and Penyusuk in Bangka Regency, Panjang Island and Pelepas Island in Central Bangka Regency, Tanjung Kubu Waters in South Bangka Regency, and Tanjung Ular and Malang Gantang Waters in West Bangka Regency. (*)