PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah's 48th Anniversary Series Begins with the Month of Service, Maintaining the Hope of Providing Benefits to the Community  

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah's series of Month of Service activities has ended since mid-July. However, the euphoria from the series of activities to welcome PT Timah's 48th anniversary is still ongoing.

Carrying the theme 'Moving Compactly', the Month of Service in the context of PT Timah's 48th anniversary was held successfully. Thousands of people participated in this activity which started from 25 June to 11 July 2024.

PT Timah's Month of Service in 2024 will carry out several activities such as mass circumcisions, blood donations, and healthy cars which will be held at eight points spread across the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Riau Islands Province, and Jakarta.

During the series of mass circumcision and blood donation activities, the PT Timah medical team collaborated with the medical team and the Indonesian Red Cross in each activity area.

From this series of activities, 892 children were successful in circumcising, collecting 389 blood bags, and providing Healthy Car health services to 593 residents who had their health checked.

PT Timah's Month of Service activities are one of a series of activities that the community has been waiting for because the benefits can be felt directly by the community.

The Month of Service is an annual routine agenda carried out by PT Timah to welcome the Company's Birthday. In fact, this activity has been going on for decades and the benefits have been felt by thousands of people in the Company's operational areas.

The Month of Service activities also received appreciation from the Regional Government, because this series of Month of Service activities was considered right on target, especially since they were held at the same time as the school holidays.

The President Director of PT Timah, Ahmad Dani Virsal, conveyed the moral message that the implementation of PT Timah's Month of Service is essentially a form of harmony and synergy with the community and stakeholders.

"Through this activity, let us always strengthen our bonds of togetherness to support and inspire each other," said the Managing Director.

Don't forget, Dani Virsal also expressed his appreciation to all parties who have helped make the implementation of PT Timah Tbk's Month of Service 2024 a success.

"With the end of the Month of Service series to celebrate PT Timah Tbk's 48th anniversary in 2024, we would like to express our gratitude for all the support so that the entire series of activities ran smoothly and successfully," he said.

West Bangka Regent Sukirman said the community was enthusiastic about participating in PT Timah's Month of Service activities. He hopes that this activity can continue because the benefits will be felt by the community.

"Thank God, thank you PT Timah for holding various events, especially mass circumcisions. Hopefully, this event will continue and PT Timah will get better. Because the residents are definitely happy and enthusiastic," said Sukirman.

At the age of 48, Sukirman hopes that PT Timah will continue to progress so that its impact can be felt to help development in West Bangka.

Likewise, the Regent of East Belitung, Burhanudin, on the sidelines of the month of service activities, wished PT Timah a happy 48th anniversary and appreciated this activity.

"Happy PT Timah's 48th birthday this year with the theme moving together. This activity is eagerly awaited by the community, especially parents regarding mass circumcision. Alhamdulillah, all sub-districts in East Belitung are very enthusiastic about taking part in this activity," he said.

Burhanuddin appreciated PT Timah's work in helping the community in various sectors.

"We hope that PT Timah will continue to be active and do its best for the people of Bangka Belitung, especially in East Belitung," he said. (*)