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PT Timah's 48th Anniversary of Service Month Blood Donation in Wilasi Belitung, 42 Blood Bags Collected 

EAST BELITUNG -- Blood donation activities which are part of the Month of Service to welcome PT Timah's 48th anniversary were also held in Wilasi Belitung.

Apart from blood donations, the Month of Service to welcome the 48th anniversary of PT Timah also held a mass circumcision which took place at the Belitung Wilasi Office on Thursday (4/6/2024).

A total of 42 bags of blood were collected during the Month of Service activities. In carrying out this blood donation activity, PT Timah collaborated with the Muhammad Zein Belitung Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD).

According to Agus Windiasari, representative of the Muhammad Zein Belitung Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD), the enthusiasm of the public and employees at PT Timah's month of service activities this year has increased.

"This year the participation of donors is good, there are not so many who failed - Alhamdullilah, there are not so many donors this year. For example, HB is low, today there are few and those who can are actually have high HB," he explained.

He said that PT Timah often collaborates with UTD Muhammad Zein in carrying out blood donations, especially during the Month of Service activities leading up to PT Timah's anniversary.

"Almost every year UTD collaborates with PT Timah in blood donation month activities. And it is routine from year to year," he said.

With this blood donation activity, Windi continued, it really helps UTD in meeting the blood stock needs in hospitals.

"This donor activity really helps the availability of blood in hospitals. Because there are patients who routinely undergo dialysis every month or have blood transfusions," he explained.

Windi also appreciates and hopes that PT Timah will consistently hold blood donation month activities. Because this really helps the hospital.

"Thank you PT Timah, because this blood donation activity really helps the hospital, especially the patients in the hospital. Hopefully, this chairman will continue to implement it," he hoped.

Meanwhile, Debby Yudhitia (30), a blood donor participant from Gunung Batu, Gantung, feels fresher every time she donates blood.

"Every time I finish donating, I feel fresh and fresh, like we see fish in the market fresh and fresher from day to day. And this donation also makes my body feel light," he said.

On the occasion of the Month of Service leading up to PT Timah's 48th anniversary, Debby, who has experienced the benefits of blood donation, invited the people of Belitung to donate blood for health.

"Come on, donors feel the benefits for health. And happy birthday PT Timah Jaya forever," he hoped. (*)