PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah's 48th Anniversary Month of Service Presents in West Bangka, Sukirman Says Residents are Enthusiastic 

WEST BANGKA -- West Bangka residents are enthusiastic about taking part in a series of Month of Service activities to welcome Timah's 48th anniversary which took place at the Processing and Smelting Division Wisma, Mentok, West Bangka, Saturday (6/7/2024).

Since 06.00 WIB, residents of all ages began flocking to the location of PT Timah's 48th Anniversary Month of Service.

Not only residents, the Regent of West Bangka Sukirman together with Forkompinda were also enthusiastic about witnessing the series of the Month of Service for the 48th Anniversary of PT Timah.

Sukirman even opened a series of PT Timah Month of Service activities in Mentok, he said that the community was enthusiastic about taking part in this activity and hoped it could continue.

"Thank God, thank you PT Timah for holding various events, especially mass circumcisions. Hopefully this event will continue and PT Timah will get better. Because the residents are definitely happy and enthusiastic," said Sukirman.

At the age of 48, Sukirman hopes that PT Timah will continue to progress so that its impact can be felt to help development in West Bangka.

Likewise, PMI Bangka Belitung Chairman Abdul Fatah hopes that PT Timah's Month of Service will be an activity that meets the needs of the community

"This activity was carried out according to community expectations. We hope that this activity will not stop here. It will develop further," he said.

In the future, he hopes that PT Timah's series of Month of Service activities will not only include mass circumcisions, free medical treatment and blood donations, but will also hold Cataract Service.

Meanwhile, Head of the Processing and Smelting Division, Sofian Simangunsong, said that PT Timah's Month of Service activities were a form of concern for local residents.

"Bulan Bakti is a form of concern for the local community. The activities include mass circumcisions, blood donations and free medical treatment. We hope that these activities will be useful in helping the community. Thank you for the support from the West Bangka Regional Government and all stakeholders and the community," said Sofian. (*)