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PT Timah Volleyball Team Celebrates Governor's Cup Open 2022

WEST BANGKA -- To enliven the Governor's Cup Open 2022, PT Timah Tbk deployed a Metallurgical Unit volleyball team to compete in an activity held at the Dusun Daya Baru Volleyball Field, Belo Laut Village, West Bangka Regency.

The championship which was opened by the Acting Governor of Bangka Belitung Ridwan Djamaludin a few days ago was followed by volleyball teams from all over Bangka Belitung.

This championship was enthusiastically welcomed by Bangka Belitung volleyball athletes who served as a warm-up event towards PORPROV 2023.

PT Timah Unmet Volleyball Team Captain, Dedi Sukamto said PT Timah's participation in the championship was a gathering event and enlivened the 2022 Governor Cup Open.

"In addition to achievements, the championship is also used as a gathering place for fellow athletes. PT Timah, part of the community, of course, wants to enliven the 2022 Governor's Cup Open championship, welcoming the upcoming 2023 PORPROV, because West Bangka was appointed as the host," said Dedi, Tuesday (11/8/2022).

Even though they lost 3-0 to the Men's Tempilang Volleyball Team, several athletes were still enthusiastic about playing, one athlete Andi (Tosser) admitted that he was happy to be able to compete in the prestigious championship throughout Bangka Belitung.

"I'm very happy to be able to compete in a prestigious championship in Bangka Belitung, even if you lose, keep your spirits up because that's the game, there must be winners and losers," said Andi

Chairman of the West Bangka Volleyball Branch, Muhamad Ali, said that in addition to fielding teams in this championship, PT Timah also fully supports this activity.

"PT Timah's contribution in the 2022 Governor's Cup Open volleyball championship is extraordinary, besides being a sponsor, it also enlivens the championship by sending a volleyball team," he said.

"We hope that through this championship new potential athletes will be born for West Bangka," he said.