PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car Visits Deniang Village, Residents Are Happy To Get Free Medical Treatment

BANGKA – PT Timah Tbk's healthy car continues to drive around to provide health services for the community throughout PT Timah Tbk's operational areas. This time the Healthy Car belonging to PT Timah Tbk was parked in the courtyard of the Deniang Village hall, Riau Silip District, Bangka Regency, Thursday (3/02/2022).

Through Healthy Cars, PT Timah Tbk provides free health services and consultations for the community. The presence of the Healthy Car was enthusiastically welcomed by residents who wanted to get health services.

One of the residents of Deniang Village who received treatment, Tjong Soei Lim (66) accompanied by his son wanted to check his health condition at the Healthy Car.

Tjong Soei Lim admitted that he was reluctant to go to the doctor because he was afraid to have surgery because his left leg was calcified.

"The doctor recommended surgery, he said he would be injected with oil. I was afraid, that's why I haven't seen a doctor for a year," said Tjong Soei Lim.

After being examined, it is known that his blood pressure and cholesterol are quite high, he said that he rarely consumes drugs.

Similarly, Lie Kam Fon (82), Senada, also likes to have his health checked at the Healthy Car. He has complaints of back pain, nausea, and gout.

"At that time this body was difficult to move, but after being taken to a doctor's practice, it was a bit better," said Lie Kam Fon.

After doing an examination at the Healthy Car, he got several drugs from the doctor, including cholesterol drugs, gout drugs, and stomach acid drugs.

“It's great to be able to get treatment at Car Sehat, especially since it's still the Chinese New Year. Moreover, the medicine from the practicing doctor has run out," said Lie Kam Fon.

Meanwhile, Village Head Deniang Yuliarno appreciated the presence of PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car to provide health services for the community in his village,

"We are grateful to PT Timah Tbk, for bringing a Healthy Car in Deniang Village. With this Healthy Car, of course our residents can check their health and get treatment for free," said Yuliarno.

According to him, his party has also conveyed to all residents to be able to take advantage of free health services for prevention.

"The presence of a healthy car in our village is a request from the village and, thank God, PT Timah Tbk has responded quickly," he said. (**)