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PT Timah Tbk with Natural Resources Conservation Center Riau and Riau Islands Province Release Dozens of Animals into the Wild

BATAM - To preserve wildlife, PT Timah Tbk in collaboration with the Natural Resources Conservation Center of the Riau and Riau Islands Province released 52 animals in Bukit Sembulang, Saturday (27/11/2021).

The animals released were two eagles and 50 turtledoves. Through this release activity, it is carried out as an effort to maintain the population of eagles in the wild.

On this occasion, the Representative of the Natural Resources Conservation Center of the Riau Islands and Riau Provinces, Purwanto said that this release was an effort to conserve animals. His group cooperates with PT Timah Tbk, which has a similar program to preserve animals.

"We are cooperating with PT Timah Tbk because we have the same program as us to do conservation and also maintain the balance of nature and preserve this endemic animal," he said.

He said, with collaboration like this, it is hoped that they can support each other and work together to maintain the balance of nature.

PT Timah Tbk continues to be committed to preserving wildlife in the company's operational areas. Not only involved in the release of animals, PT Timah Tbk has also established an Animal Rescue Center in the Kampoeng Air Jangkang Reclamation Area, in Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

Where this Animal Rescue Center collaborates with the Alobi Foundation to rehabilitate animals before they are released into the wild.

This animal release activity was also attended by the Head of the Kundur Metallurgical Unit Nono Budi Priono along with staff and representatives from the BKSDA of the Riau and Riau Islands Provinces. (**)