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PT Timah Tbk Wins Eight Achievement Awards for the Implementation of Good Mining Engineering Rules in 2022

JAKARTA -- PT Timah Tbk won eight awards in the 2022 Good Mining Practices Award-GMP Award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

Not only PT Timah Tbk, a subsidiary of PT Timah Tbk, but PT Tanjung Alam Jaya also won a primary award in this prestigious annual event.

PT Timah Tbk won awards in four aspects, namely aspects of mining engineering management, aspects of mining safety management, aspects of mining environmental management, and aspects of implementing mineral and coal conservation.

In this award, PT Timah Tbk won two Aditama awards, four major awards, and two primary awards.

As for the awards in the mining engineering management aspect, the category of business entity group holding KK, BUMN IUP, PMA IUP, Mineral Commodity IUPK won the Aditama award which was won by the Kundur Production Unit, and the Pratama award which was won by PT Timah Tbk, the Bangka Marine Production Unit.

PT Timah Tbk Kundur Production Unit also won the Main award in the aspect of Mining Safety Management in the category of business entities holding BUMN IUP, PMA IUP, PMDN IUP, mineral and coal commodities.

In the Mining Environmental Management aspect, PT Timah Tbk Bangka Land Production Unit also won the main award in the category of business entity group holding IUP for mineral and coal commodities.

Meanwhile, in the aspect of implementing mineral and coal conservation, the group of business entities holding KK, IUP, and IUPK for Mineral Commodities, PT Timah Tbk, Bangka Land Production Unit won the Aditama award. In addition, in the same aspect, PT Timah Tbk Belitung Production Unit, PT Timah Tbk Primary Tin Production Unit won the main award and PT Timah Tbk Bangka Marine Production Unit won the primary award.

This award was received directly by the Director of Operations and Production of PT Timah, Purwoko at the Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (29/9/2022).

Director of Engineering and Environment of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Sunindyo Suryo Herdadi said this award is an appreciation from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for mining companies in Indonesia that have implemented good mining principles.

"This activity is intended to give appreciation and motivation to all mining companies to compete in applying good mining rules," he said in his remarks.

He said this award was assessed by a competent and professional team in their respective fields. So it is hoped that in the future mining actors can consistently apply good mining principles and rules.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, who was represented by a special staff in the field of Acceleration of Mineral and Coal Management, Irwandy Arif, expressed his appreciation to the mining industry business players who have won the GMP Award.

"Congratulations to the successful mining business entity, I hope this achievement can serve as a role model to consistently implement good mining rules. For those who have not been able to improve this, this will be a motivation to apply good mining rules," he said.

Meanwhile, the Corporate Secretary of PT Timah Tbk, Abdullah Umar, said that PT Timah Tbk continues to strive to implement good mining principles.

This award, he said, is a motivation for the company to continue to improve the implementation of good mining principles and rules by applicable regulations.

"This award is a motivation for the company to continue to improve the implementation of good mining practices in the company's integrated mining process," he said.