PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Together with Lanal Babel Cleans Muara Tengkorak Beach, Collects One Ton of Trash

BANGKA -- Supporting the tourism sector in Bangka Regency, PT Timah Tbk together with Danlanal Bangka Belitung held a beach clean-up
Muara Tengkorak in Nelayan II Neighborhood, Sungailiat District, Bangka Regency on Monday (27/11/2023).

Through the Happy Movement to the Beach program and the Clean Seas Program in the context of the 73rd Republic of Indonesia Fleet Anniversary in 2023.

Lanal Babel personnel together with hundreds of PT Timah Tbk employees and the National Police worked together to clean the beach area.

About one ton of rubbish was collected in this beach clean-up action.

This beach clean activity was also attended by Commander of the Indonesian Navy Base (Danlanal) Bangka Belitung Marine Colonel (P) Deni Indra M, Head of SAU Division Robertus Bambang Susilo, National Police Personnel, Jalasenastri Branch 4 Korcab 3 DJI 1 Bangka Belitung and the community.

This is the second time PT Timah Tbk has cleaned Muaran Tengkorak Beach, which was previously done some time ago.

Danlanal Bangka Belitung Marine Colonel (P) Deni Indra said this beach is a clean part of the Clean Seas program which is a series of Fleet Day activities in 2023

In this beach clean activity, they collect plastic waste and plan to carry it out regularly.

"We collect around 1 ton of rubbish from this activity and the average is plastic waste. In the future, we will carry it out in different places. Because we know that beaches and seas are a source of life, so we need to preserve beaches and seas for the survival of our children and grandchildren," he said.

He also appreciated PT Timah Tbk for synergizing with them in carrying out various activities, one of which was environmental management.

"The synergy and collaboration between PT Timah Tbk and Lanal Babel touches various sectors such as security, the environment like today and others," he stressed.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bangka Regency Environmental Service, Ismir Rachmaddinianto, said that maintaining environmental preservation requires synergy and involvement with the community and stakeholders so that it can be done in a pentahelix manner.

"The government cannot do it alone, but we prioritize synergy and do it pentahelix and involve the community, PT Timah Tbk, and other agencies," he said.

He said that the collected waste will be sorted and in the future, they will also establish synergy with Lanal Babel to process waste and Danlanal Babel will become a customer of their waste bank.

"In the future, we will sort this waste, we will recycle what has economic value. So today we are not only cleaning the beach but we are also building a collaboration with Lanal Babel to become a customer of our waste bank so that later this waste can be managed well," he said.

He also appreciated PT Timah Tbk which had collaborated with him in carrying out sustainable environmental management.

"The Environmental Service often synergizes with PT Timah Tbk in environmental management. From mining to post-mining activities and recently PT Timah Tbk also helped us during the last dry season," he said. (*)