PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Supports the Inauguration of the KNPI East Belitung Officials

EAST BELITUNG - PT Timah embraces and encourages the role of youth in supporting regional development. One way is by supporting the KNPI (Indonesian Youth National Committee) of East Belitung.

PT Timah Tbk participated in the inauguration and inauguration of the officials of the KNPI District Board of East Belitung for the period 2023-2026.

The inauguration and inauguration were attended by the Regent of East Belitung, Burhanudin, at the Zahari MZ Auditorium in East Belitung Regency, on Saturday (24/02/2024).

The KNPI District Board of East Belitung Chairman, Wahyu Setiawan, stated that he would carry out the tasks entrusted to him.

"Today marks the beginning of advancing youth progress. The first task to be undertaken is to realize the planned work program," said Wahyu Setiawan.

He said the inaugurated officials amounted to 85 people who would fill several fields in the KNPI District Board of East Belitung.

Wahyu also appreciated PT Timah, one of the long-standing state-owned companies in East Belitung, for its concern for youth activities.

"We express our gratitude for the support and assistance provided by PT Timah," he explained.

According to him, PT Timah has played a role in advancing the youth of East Belitung, but more attention is needed to improve the human resources of the youth today.

"The presence of parties concerned with progress is needed as a form of concern for the next generation who will advance the nation and the region," he said.

Furthermore, Wahyu stated that as a state-owned company operating in East Belitung Regency in the utilization of natural resources, he hopes that PT Timah can contribute to East Belitung Regency, especially in advancing youth progress.

"With synergy and concern, the impact and results received by the community will be commensurate," he concluded.