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PT TIMAH Tbk Supports Karimun Esports Achievement in Porprov V Bintan Regency

KARIMUN -- To support the achievements of esports athletes in Karimun Regency, PT TIMAH Tbk handed over assistance to Esport Indonesia (ESI) Karimun who will send athletes to compete in Porprov V in Bintan Regency.

Online games are currently very popular with various people, especially young people. So now Esports has become one of the sports in Indonesia that is competed in multiple events including the Papua PON.

Head of Esports Karimun Muhammad Zuhdie took the initiative to gather young people who like to play online games to join in one forum to be more focused.

According to Zuhdie, online games are not just playing games or hobbies but can be an achievement event. In addition, online gaming events also foster a sense of togetherness and work together with one another.

"Esports has many positive values ??which can improve one's strategic thinking, teamwork, communication, leadership, skills, and confidence building," he said.

Zuhdie appreciated PT TIMAH Tbk for supporting the Karimun Esport athlete who will compete in Porprov later so that they can make achievements.

"I am sure that Karimun's young people who are members of Karimun Esports will be able to compete in the Porprov V event in Bintan later. Because he has seen the abilities of the Karimun Esports coached athletes who have above average skills," he said.

Zuhdie also hopes for support from the people of Karimun Regency to change the negative stigma of online gaming, because Esports is not just a hobby and entertainment online games.

"However, if it is directed properly and well facilitated, young people who like online games will become a sporting event that excels," he concluded.