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PT Timah Tbk Supports Feronika and Aprilia's Tuition Fees

PANGKALPINANG --- Feronika Pusungulaa and Aprilia Pasungulaa had to lose their parents, their mother, because they died when exposed to Covid-19. To be precise, July 31, 2021, these two daughters became orphans, after the departure of their mother.

His father had died several years ago, the death of their mother who became their support made life even more difficult. Even though they have lived with their grandmother for a long time, Mother's figure has never been replaced.

Feronika, who is usually known as Fero, said that her mother initially suffered from lung and heart disease. So it was decided to be taken to a local hospital for further treatment. However, during the examination his mother was declared exposed to Covid-19.

Unfortunately, these two brothers could not see their mother at the last second, they could only take her to the funeral because they had to follow the Covid-19 protocol.

"What is certain is that when I heard the news, I was shocked, sad, panicked, and scared," said Fero.

He said his mother worked as a tin baler in the Air Mawar area to help meet their daily needs. His mother's departure certainly made their economic condition disrupted.

“So far, we have lived with grandmother, grandmother also helps with education costs and daily needs. My grandmother works guarding the shop, but it feels different that there is no mother, especially my sister who is very close to mother, "said this 3rd grade junior high school student.

Even in his current condition, Fero does not give up his enthusiasm to continue his life in the future. He wants to be able to continue his education to college level in the future.
"Yes, just live it now, it feels different. The important thing is that I want to go to school to achieve my goals," he said.

Understanding this condition, PT Timah Tbk handed over educational assistance to Fero and his younger brother. With the hope of reducing the cost of education for these two orphans.

"Well, when I finish school and have sustenance, I want to continue to college so that later I can become a boss or entrepreneur in an office," said Fero.

Fero expressed his appreciation to PT Timah Tbk for providing compensation for and his sister. Later, said Fero, this money will be saved for his education costs so that it is not too burdensome for his grandmother.

“I am very grateful for the help, later the money will be saved for school fees. Thanks for the help," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of RT 06 Gabek 1 Urban Village, Indra Elizar said, Fero and his sister really deserved help, with the condition of the family being quite apprehensive and they needed the help of benefactors.

"They live with their grandmother and uncle, this grandmother is also a recipient of PKH and BLT because it is a family that needs financial attention," he said.

“We are very grateful and grateful for the assistance that PT Timah Tbk has provided. At first we didn't expect that Fero and April would get donations for their school fees,” he concluded. (**)