PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Supports East Belitung PKK to Continue to Exist

EAST BELITUNG - PT Timah Tbk supports the Empowerment and Family Welfare (PKK) of East Belitung Regency to continue to exist in carrying out the program.

Among them, PT Timah Tbk helped them participate in the Jamboree of PKK cadres in Bangka Belitung province in 2022.

The secretary of the PKK East Belitung TP, Lisa said, there were 25 PKK East Belitung cadres who went to Bangka Island in March 2022 yesterday.

At the jamboree event, PKK cadres participated in various competitions, such as the DeVille competition, and chants about disaster-responsive and resilient families. Contest for PKK cadres in the Province of Bangka Belitung. Regional batik fashion show competition.

Then, jellyfish gymnastics competition, a parody competition about the disaster response and resilience family movement, and a happy competition.

"We won 1st place in the parody competition and 3rd place in the quiz competition," she explained.

Lisa said that the agenda is a routine program that is every year, but this year there is a budget refocusing so it is not optimal, so the assistance from PT Timah Tbk is very helpful for them.

"TP PKK East Belitung is very grateful for the assistance and care provided by PT Timah Tbk, and the donation is very useful for participating in the jamboree of PKK cadres throughout the province of the Bangka Belitung Islands," he explained.

Lisa said that the assistance from PT Timah Tbk is right on target, of course, he hopes the synergy will continue so that they can realize the 10 main PKK programs.

"We both support TP PKK Belttim in empowering communities and families," she said.