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PT Timah Tbk Supports Damar Branch Quarters to Participate in the Babel Regional IV Jamboree

EAST BELITUNG – Supporting the achievements and honing the skills of the Damar Branch Kwartir Scout Movement, East Belitung Regency, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance to the Damar Kwartir Scout Movement in the Regional Jamboree (Jamda) IV of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

The Damar Branch Kwartir Scout Movement sent a team to represent the Damar Branch Quarter, where the Jamboree will be held in Bangka Regency.

The head of the Damar Branch Quarter, Riskan Akhbari, said that the Damar branch quarter always regularly participates in the agenda of the Tagana Regency Kwarcab, including the Regional Jamboree (Jamda) IV of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province

"This Jamda is followed by a Penggalang, we send a team, eight people and two assistants in total," he said.

Riskan Akhbari said that the purpose of joining Jamda is to invite the children, so they can participate and gain experience, in order to explore their potential.

"For this five days, the children will participate in various competitions there, such as art performances and others," he explained.

Therefore, he is very grateful for the assistance of PT Timah Tbk, because it is very helpful, because seeing the current conditions, it is impossible to ask the parents of each student.

"Thank God, we profuse our gratitude to PT Timah Tbk for providing assistance to us," he explained.

With the help from PT Timah Tbk, Branch Damar Quarter was able to participate in Jamda Bangka Belitung Province in Bangka Regency.*