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PT Timah Tbk Supports Critical Land Reforestation Movement in Commemoration of TNI's 77th Anniversary

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah Tbk participated in the 'Hijau Biru Babelku, United in Protecting the Environment' Critical Land Reforestation Movement in commemoration of the 77th Anniversary of the TNI which was held simultaneously in all regions in Bangka Belitung Province, Monday (3/10/2022).

In West Bangka Regency, the Critical Land Reforestation Movement was led by Dandim 0431 West Bangka Lieutenant Colonel Deri Indriawan who carried out tree planting and distribution of fish seedlings on critical ex-mining land without a permit in Daya Baru hamlet, Belo Laut.

In his remarks, Danrem 045 Garuda Jaya Brigadier General Ujang Darwis said the activities to commemorate the 77th Anniversary of the TNI with the TNI's motto "We are We", and support the "Green Blue Babelku" program from the Provincial Government of Bangka Belitung.

"The Critical Land Reforestation Movement was carried out simultaneously throughout the Bangka Belitung region in commemoration of the 77th Anniversary of the TNI.
It is a form of the TNI's enthusiasm to grow our concern for environmental sustainability as well as support for the Bangka Belitung provincial government to implement the Hijau Biru Babelku program," explained Danrem.

Meanwhile, Governor Officer of Bangka Belitung Ridwan Djamaludin in his remarks read by the Expert Staff on the economy and development of the province of Bangka Belitung appreciated the reforestation activities of the 77th TNI Anniversary series.

"Natural resources are part of the nation's social and cultural economic development. The destruction of forest and environmental resources will greatly affect, both directly and indirectly, for the sustainability of our lives," he said.

"Activities to reforest, to increase green open space have not become a habit of the community," he said.

Through local government programs to rehabilitate forests and land, community forest programs, as well as the Hijau Biru Babelku program, both large and small scale involving all components, both government agencies, TNI, POLRI and the community, has been running, the most important thing here is that it is carried out properly and seriously. serious.

"On behalf of the Bangka Belitung provincial government, I welcome and appreciate the implementation of reforestation in a series of activities to commemorate the 77th TNI Anniversary in 2022," wrote the Governor Officer.

Ani, a local resident, admitted that reforestation is our collective duty.

"This is our collective duty for our future, for our children and grandchildren," said Ani.

Levani, a member of the West Bangka Youth Organization also conveyed the same thing.

"Karang Taruna always participates in reforestation activities, not for anyone, definitely for us in the future, for the future of all of us," said Levani.